Well pulled the electric fan, put on a shrowd that covers the hole fan and took her out for a spin cause i needed gas anyway. Everything was seeming alright was sitting right around 210 but then on the way home it started getting progressively hotter. around 250, noting I turned on the heater and it was blowing cold air. I drove some more then the temp started fluctuating then finally dropped back down to 210 and the heat was at the heater again. Pulled into the driveway and let it idle there while sitting in drive and once again it shot up to 250 fluctuated a bit and blew cold air. then put it in park and revved engine up to 2000 RPM and held it there and the temp fluctuated then went down to 210 again. It's gotta be the fricking water pump is what i'm guessing. Either that or the dang heater core is plugged but the one in there is about 1 yr old and I had the system flushed when i put in the 4 core and no crud came out. anybody know of a way to test the water pump besides putting a new one on?