Originally Posted by andyh1956
It looks like he has a later model set of front shackle brackets that fit in the middle of the frame instead of cast brackets that mount under the frame. He also has negative arch front springs.
Look at your cab mounts & see if they have been bolted / welded to the frame. If the frame is later the mounts would have to have been changed. Also the frame will be indented for the later steering boxes.
Maybe he has a late model front welded to an early model rear? I've seen stranger...
do mean the frt spring mount that is riveted to the frame which takes a spring pin. the shackle is at the back of the front spring and the top pin goes through the frame.
the orig frt spring is 2 1/2" wide 64-66 while the later ones are 3" wide which won't fit the 64 spring hanger. the front spring hanger in the pic appears to be riveted to the frame.
the rear springs appear to be narrower than the front