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Old 05-04-2017, 01:41 AM   #26
El Dorado Jim
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

I have several square body trucks and a suburban, and I mean squarebody, not the tapered front clips...mine are 73 and 74's like them alot but still love my 72 K20....I have all presmog vehicles....
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Old 05-04-2017, 07:41 AM   #27
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

When these trucks were new, I am sure the "government features" were annoying. But if you live in a free state, you can get rid of them. There was also the Big 10, that got around these features.
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Old 05-04-2017, 08:09 AM   #28
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Coming from Wyoming I can think of 10-15 that I see on the road almost everyday of the year weather it is -40 degrees or 90 degrees. Most are just "farm" trucks. Nothing fancy and some look like "how does that even run". Mine is nice but nothing exceptional and I probably have had a dozen people stop at my house or at the gas station and want to take a look or talk about it.
I think the reason that I have one and have always wanted one is because these trucks were popular about the time I was 7-8 years old. Everyone I grew up with had one, my grandpa, my dad, uncles.
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Old 05-04-2017, 08:20 AM   #29
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Where I live I rarely if ever see an 81-87 C10 square........ the popularity changes as either the older years become more rare or the younger generations start to build and find it easier to find the newer model years........ it's a cycle. Look at the 2 door 55-57 Chevy.... as the 2 doors become more rare, even the 4 door models increase in value and become more desirable.... I can't wait to get my square done and be one of the only on the road in my area !!!

81 C10 short box

82 K5 Blazer
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Old 05-04-2017, 08:47 AM   #30
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by shp4man View Post
I wouldn't mind having a mid 70's short stepper. It's a nice looking little truck.
Short steppers are cool, but I would not mind having a long stepper, just to be different, and have a rare truck. I have seen more Jeep J10s on the road than long step squares. It is quite rare I see a J10, for that matter.
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Old 05-04-2017, 09:21 AM   #31
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

I still see a lot on the road these days. Although a lot of them are still beat up rough trucks. I like most on this board would like to see more restored rides on the road!
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Old 05-04-2017, 11:01 AM   #32
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Another question: Why so much hate for the tapered front clip? It is supposed to be surperior in design. You no longer punished for forgetting to grease to hood hinges. I will be honest, the square front clip, does seem a little more masculine, as well as the 73-80 interiors. I know a custom shop guy that regulary dumps the square front clip, for an 89-91 clip. The thought makes me cringe, but the street rodders do anything for that 89-91 clip in my area. I do not like the 89-91 clips because they look too much like gmt400. If I want my truck to look like a gmt400, I will trade it for one.
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Old 05-04-2017, 11:06 AM   #33
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

I actually see a lot of them too, in Ohio. I see one everyday, it's right here in the garage, lol!! But seriously, I see them daily. Some still daily drivers. But I see even more just sitting beside the barns, out in the country. One weekend, I took a road trip to Kentucky, to pick up some seats. While traveling down a country road locally here in Ohio. I saw a bunch just sitting out by the barns. Almost every other farm had one. The way they are sitting, it seems the farmer just parked it and is no longer using it. I'm tempted to go back down this road for a Sunday drive and stop and see if any of them are willing to sell some parts off of them. Never hurts to ask.
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Old 05-04-2017, 11:55 AM   #34
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

I thought i was the only person who scouted old squares out!
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Old 05-04-2017, 12:11 PM   #35
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by TKCR View Post
I actually see a lot of them too, in Ohio. I see one everyday, it's right here in the garage, lol!! But seriously, I see them daily. Some still daily drivers. But I see even more just sitting beside the barns, out in the country. One weekend, I took a road trip to Kentucky, to pick up some seats. While traveling down a country road locally here in Ohio. I saw a bunch just sitting out by the barns. Almost every other farm had one. The way they are sitting, it seems the farmer just parked it and is no longer using it. I'm tempted to go back down this road for a Sunday drive and stop and see if any of them are willing to sell some parts off of them. Never hurts to ask.
See lots of them here every day in KY. Occasionally there is a really clean one but usually it's rough around the edges and burning oil down the road. Soon as Spring came around I started seeing anywhere from a half dozen to a whole dozen in this condition everyday.

There are even more parked in driveways that are overgrown, or in barns, and in fields. If I sat here and thought about it I could probably remember where a lot are parked and sitting. My dad really likes a ramp truck we saw recently, checked it out on google maps streetview and its been there since at least 2007.
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Old 05-04-2017, 12:27 PM   #36
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by HunterRotten View Post
See lots of them here every day in KY. Occasionally there is a really clean one but usually it's rough around the edges and burning oil down the road. Soon as Spring came around I started seeing anywhere from a half dozen to a whole dozen in this condition everyday.

There are even more parked in driveways that are overgrown, or in barns, and in fields. If I sat here and thought about it I could probably remember where a lot are parked and sitting. My dad really likes a ramp truck we saw recently, checked it out on google maps streetview and its been there since at least 2007.
I know a man that parks his trucks when he finished with them, numerous square bodies have met their death in his lands. The saddest one to look at, is a once beautiful 72 Cheyenne, not square, but still a beautiful truck a long time ago.
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Old 05-04-2017, 12:36 PM   #37
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

It would seem that these people don't realize they are sought after trucks, even if it's just for parts. They just lay them to rest on their properties. Quite sad.
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Old 05-04-2017, 01:38 PM   #38
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Wyatt, I think you have been living under a There are tons of forums and Facebook groups dedicated solely to these trucks, some of those pages have over 100K members. Don't wish too hard for these trucks to deserve more attention, it will just make them more expensive, and put them out of reach for some.
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Old 05-04-2017, 01:50 PM   #39
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Every year some get restored. Very cool. Some get a new motor. cool. More get parted out or crushed. Bummer.
Still a ton of them on the roads out here in Arizona. Everyday on that list of Craig's there are some for sale and parts.
Eventually they will become more and more desirable.
I started with one and over the years picked up a few more bodies. Doing a 78 S.B. right now.
As to your original question of why do people ignore square bodies; I would say if they are ignored it is by those who drove em (or still drive em) as "old work trucks". Hard to think about dumping serious money (for lots of folks) into an old work truck. Till they get scarce.
"Life is too short to drive a boring vehicle".
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Old 05-04-2017, 02:09 PM   #40
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

im sure the same thing will happen with like the early 90s style. no one really cares now but give it 20+ years.

i know ive said before when i first got into old chevys in the late 90s people would basically give them to you, scrap was very low so most people had to pay to get rid of them and i had no problem taking them in. most i ever paid for a 80s truck was $1200 it was a 84 k5 blazer in pretty good shape. had working a/c so i was sold

i would guess around 2001 i got it

this was a freebee just needed brakes and the whole front end redone

$800 for this around 2005, minus the lift tires and all the other bolt on stuff

got plenty more deals like this i could post but its starting to make me depressed as im looking for another cheap 80s truck and its just not gonna happen now a days. and i dont even want to say how cheap i sold those things for either lol

i just wish i grew up on a farm as i would have never got rid of any of these old trucks

Last edited by abig84; 05-04-2017 at 02:18 PM.
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Old 05-04-2017, 03:29 PM   #41
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

My dad owned a 78 k20 that he bought new that I grew up with. I always loved that truck so when I ran across a 75 for $500 that was going to be crushed I had to save it.

In northeast PA most of the square body's have rotted to death. They are still around, but mostly in dump truck or some sort of work truck form.
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Old 05-04-2017, 07:53 PM   #42
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by Jeff's bowtie's View Post
We were at Cracker Barrel eating this evening and I happened to look out the window to find an older guy giving my 79 C/20 a good looking over
Ugh, my favorite square color combo! NICE truck Jeff, truly, that is one of my favorite mixes. That and the two-tone blue. Somehow I haven't seen this one before.

As for concern over squares being ignored, well, enjoy it while it lasts or, at least, stock up now. Because once they are "less ignored" Barrett Jackson will ruin it for all of us, just like they did with 67-72s. So, BUY NOW! I say and sell all but your two (or three or four) of your favorites when the craziness begins in a few years...
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Old 05-04-2017, 08:35 PM   #43
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
Ugh, my favorite square color combo! NICE truck Jeff, truly, that is one of my favorite mixes. That and the two-tone blue. Somehow I haven't seen this one before.

As for concern over squares being ignored, well, enjoy it while it lasts or, at least, stock up now. Because once they are "less ignored" Barrett Jackson will ruin it for all of us, just like they did with 67-72s. So, BUY NOW! I say and sell all but your two (or three or four) of your favorites when the craziness begins in a few years...
Thanks jocko that is the original paint and panels all with zero rust 454 and 400turbo
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Old 05-04-2017, 08:49 PM   #44
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Ohhhhh. Nice. Reminds me of a very similar member's truck, and the name is slipping my mind at the moment - 78 K20 Camper Special, same paint, was his dad's as a kid and he has it now. I'm not sure why, but the original paint for this combo always seems to look much better to me than a repaint in the exact same colors. Slight fade over time maybe, but I've always noticed it with these two yellows for some reason. Same true on the K20 I mentioned.
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Old 05-04-2017, 09:08 PM   #45
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Besides, what's not to LOVE?!?
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Old 05-04-2017, 10:55 PM   #46
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

I'd rather have a squarebody over a 67-72 anyday! I like all squarebodys. Round square headlight, long or short. Doesn't matter.
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Old 05-05-2017, 05:31 AM   #47
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

A lot of people see them as not being new and not being old enough to be cool yet.Around me i see them as beat up work trucks or super clean stock looking.
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Old 05-05-2017, 09:00 AM   #48
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Here where I live, the Southeast, try buying a running Square 4x4 for under $8k! Good luck! If you find one under that, it probably has more rust than solid metal. Around here, people want $1k for a truck that is nothing more than a good parts truck.
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Old 05-05-2017, 01:12 PM   #49
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

For one, the early square bodies rusted out like crazy if you lived in the rust belt. About 10 years ago here in the south east you could find a 67- 72 truck in every other house's driveway. Not anymore. Good examples are few and far between now. Tons of square bodies still available now. I just picked up a low mileage original 86 GMC with no rust. Wasn't my first choice but I couldn't pass it up. In my experience the doors latch design on square bodies stinks with those stupid plastic bushings. And the door hinges sag easily. That's one of my pet peeves with square bodies and of coarse the hood hinges, cracking dash pads and the cheap plastic side trim that turns yellow. Ok, enough of that. I love my 67-72's but I've been priced out of the market so the next generation it is. There's plenty of reasons. A lot of people commented on why. They most certainly will become more popular in the coming years. Supply and demand drive's the market.

Last edited by Big Block; 05-05-2017 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 05-05-2017, 02:41 PM   #50
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by Big Block View Post
For one, the early square bodies rusted out like crazy if you lived in the rust belt. About 10 years ago here in the south east you could find a 67- 72 truck in every other house's driveway. Not anymore. Good examples are few and far between now. Tons of square bodies still available now. I just picked up a low mileage original 86 GMC with no rust. Wasn't my first choice but I couldn't pass it up. In my experience the doors latch design on square bodies stinks with those stupid plastic bushings. And the door hinges sag easily. That's one of my pet peeves with square bodies and of coarse the hood hinges, cracking dash pads and the cheap plastic side trim that turns yellow. Ok, enough of that. I love my 67-72's but I've been priced out of the market so the next generation it is. There's plenty of reasons. A lot of people commented on why. They mostly certainly will become more popular in the coming years. Supply and demand drive's the market.
thats pretty much how it is around here. i never see them anymore unless its a show truck or a rotted pos plow truck. that lifted truck i posted above with the green doors had no floors, someone literally welded a giant plate where the drivers floor used to be. after 4 years of offroading that thing it was so mangled and twisted and split i had to get rid of it before it fell in half.
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