Originally Posted by AussieinNC
A true break in procedure requires the engine to be under load with various cycles of driving etc....this is to ensure cylinder pressures are sufficient to ensure a good ring to bore seal....
If you just want to ensure the engine fires ok and has no noises or leaks, a simple run in the chassis or a run stand will work but it should not be deemed a break in.....
Ensure the cooling system is full and all air purged out of the system.
The choice of oil is open just ensure it has sufficient Zinc in it and you dont allow the engine to idle for extended periods.
Start up, immediately up to 2000 rpm for three minutes then cycle between high idle and 3500 rpm...do not allow the engine to idle...
Thanks! I ended up buying the Gibbs Driven 5w-30 break in oil. I plan to do the initial startup break in and the a few hundred miles of driving then change the oil to Driven 10w-30. Thanks for the advise everyone.