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Old 07-29-2020, 12:15 AM   #26
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by slepysal View Post
Hopefully this can put things in perspective.......
I had to take my wife to the hospital Sunday (non Covid) she had an infection in her leg. Yesterday they called me to tell me she passed away.
I am numb all projects are on back burners.Trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
My Dad's words come to mind
" No matter how bad things are going for you, there is someone who has it worse"

No I am not asking for pity just trying to let you know that things may not be as bad as we think
Sal, I don't know you, but I feel for you. I hope you can muster the strength to carry on with things that are important. Our world is in a heck of a state right now, and your tragic personal fight seems to echo even more pain inside an already bad situation. Hang in there buddy. Remember your wife for the good she brought into the world, and push through. It's worth it.
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Old 07-29-2020, 01:10 AM   #27
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Sal, I don't really know you, but in a way we are friends having been around here for a long time.
I was stunned by what you wrote and don't have any words know.

I just live on the other side of the hills from you and if you ever find yourself looking for a pal to take a drive...feel free to look me up. It's a nice run to the summit of Mt. Diablo and I'd meet you at the gate with my truck on any given weekend.
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Old 07-29-2020, 01:48 AM   #28
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by slepysal View Post
Hopefully this can put things in perspective.......
I had to take my wife to the hospital Sunday (non Covid) she had an infection in her leg. Yesterday they called me to tell me she passed away.
I am numb all projects are on back burners.Trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
My Dad's words come to mind
" No matter how bad things are going for you, there is someone who has it worse"

No I am not asking for pity just trying to let you know that things may not be as bad as we think
I'm speechless right now.

I don't know how you feel right now, but I'm here if you need someone to talk to. You can PM me if you need...and I will share my phone number with you.

My condolences to you a your family.

'65 GMC that identifies as a Chevrolet
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Old 07-31-2020, 10:49 PM   #29
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...


The good news;

Unemployment was approved yesterday and paid out today.

The bad news;

I called to accept the job and was sent to voicemail (three days in a row) so I'm thinking they decided that they didn't need me after all...

'65 GMC that identifies as a Chevrolet
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Old 07-31-2020, 11:34 PM   #30
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post

The good news;

Unemployment was approved yesterday and paid out today.

The bad news;

I called to accept the job and was sent to voicemail (three days in a row) so I'm thinking they decided that they didn't need me after all...
Just remember that persistence is a virtue. Maybe they're checking if you really want that job. And then that cynical part of me thinks, "Then they'll low ball the snot out of your pay!" Danged if you do, danged if you don't. :shrug:

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

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Old 08-01-2020, 09:50 AM   #31
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by slepysal View Post
Hopefully this can put things in perspective.......
I had to take my wife to the hospital Sunday (non Covid) she had an infection in her leg. Yesterday they called me to tell me she passed away.
I am numb all projects are on back burners.Trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
My Dad's words come to mind
" No matter how bad things are going for you, there is someone who has it worse"

No I am not asking for pity just trying to let you know that things may not be as bad as we think
Sal, Not sure what you religious beliefs are, but i just wanted you to know that i am keeping you and your family in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear of your loss and my heart goes out to you and your family. May God be with you all.
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Old 08-01-2020, 01:20 PM   #32
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

I simply dunno whats up. There are conflicting facts given by the various experts. I can relate to anyone who loses a loved one. Compaired to that this Rona fallout isn't a big thing at all. Our middle son died in a car crash 27 years ago. Compared to that every other problem isn't that big of a deal. Having stated that I fail to believe that there is any viable solution especially a political of ballot box solution. We arent affected very much. The social security is deposited every third Wednesday. And we grow and raise a lot of our food.
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Old 08-01-2020, 02:56 PM   #33
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Old Truck Man View Post
I simply dunno whats up. There are conflicting facts given by the various experts. I can relate to anyone who loses a loved one. Compaired to that this Rona fallout isn't a big thing at all. Our middle son died in a car crash 27 years ago. Compared to that every other problem isn't that big of a deal. Having stated that I fail to believe that there is any viable solution especially a political of ballot box solution. We arent affected very much. The social security is deposited every third Wednesday. And we grow and raise a lot of our food.
Losing a loved one is never easy. My father passed away New Year's Eve. This year has been especially hard for many of us.

You may not be affect very much, but others are.

Your perspective is exactly that.

Rona fallout isn't a big thing...except when you lose all of your income and are unable to find a job. You grow your own food; I don't. You have a permanent source of income; I don't. I am not bothered or affected by Rona other than the fact that because of it...I was laid off.

Side note - I regret venting on this forum.

'65 GMC that identifies as a Chevrolet
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Old 08-01-2020, 04:37 PM   #34
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post
Losing a loved one is never easy. My father passed away New Year's Eve. This year has been especially hard for many of us.

You may not be affect very much, but others are.

Your perspective is exactly that.

Rona fallout isn't a big thing...except when you lose all of your income and are unable to find a job. You grow your own food; I don't. You have a permanent source of income; I don't. I am not bothered or affected by Rona other than the fact that because of it...I was laid off.

Side note - I regret venting on this forum.
No offense, but losing a father when you are an adult is not the same as losing a child or a spouse.

+1 on regretting to vent on this forum. Maybe a truck forum is not the best place to vent for this topic.

It's like the old saying...never cry when you get to prison for having 3 years...when your cellmate says.."I have a life sentence." Can always find someone that has it worse.
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Old 08-01-2020, 04:50 PM   #35
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

No worries.

This definitely isn't the "community" that I thought it was.

'65 GMC that identifies as a Chevrolet
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Old 08-01-2020, 05:02 PM   #36
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post
No worries.

This definitely isn't the "community" that I thought it was.
It is.... But it's just like any other mix of beings. Some you communicate w/just fine & have a mutual understanding. Others, not so much. Somebody struggling is just that; regardless of the situation.

Glad the unemployment finally started but sux to read about the promising new start may have faultered.
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Building a small, high rpm engine with the perfect bore, stroke and rod ratio is very impressive.
It's like a highly skilled Morrocan sword fighter with a Damascus Steel Scimitar.....

Cubic inches is like Indiana Jones with a cheap pistol.
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Old 08-01-2020, 06:26 PM   #37
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

I was out of work before all this covid stuff for a year. People have had it worse and better.
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Old 08-01-2020, 09:49 PM   #38
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post
Losing a loved one is never easy. My father passed away New Year's Eve. This year has been especially hard for many of us.

You may not be affect very much, but others are.

Your perspective is exactly that.

Rona fallout isn't a big thing...except when you lose all of your income and are unable to find a job. You grow your own food; I don't. You have a permanent source of income; I don't. I am not bothered or affected by Rona other than the fact that because of it...I was laid off.

Side note - I regret venting on this forum.
Ive been out of work many times. I drew unemployment and when laid off We worked on the goal of being debt free and self reliant. and always saved 10% when I was working. Then I switched from being a heavy equiptment operator to a Truck Driver. And I always had a job when I wanted one. I was able to ouit selling part of my life for wages and start playing with my hoard at age 62.
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Old 08-02-2020, 12:00 PM   #39
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post
No worries.

This definitely isn't the "community" that I thought it was.
Its certainly off topic. However Im going to tell a story from my childhood that might help someone. Back before I was born in 1951 right after WWII There wasn't any work in the south. So "hillbilly" went up North. We lived in a place in North east Indiana. Called Hillbilly Haven. Everyone was from Southern Indiana , Kentucky ,Missouri , Arkansas ect. Most related to each other or Dog kin by Marrage. Any way My uncle Worked in the steel mills. Was a Welder. And quite often He was out of work due to layoffs or on strike. And He would try and make money welding out of his garage. The problem is you cant make money from folks who haven't got money. He complained Im sick and tired of no one not having any money. Another Mill worker named Dub When there wasn't any work had 10 children and the oldest was 11. Ole Dub wasn't mad or worried He was glad to have a vacation.. He had a not so great house He built himself and was always adding on to. And a number of hound dogs , chickens , rabbits, a fattening hog , and a couple milk goats. And last but not least a huge garden. I was friends with the oldest son. We would take the rabbit dogs and go to the railroad tracks. had a single shot 22. When the dogs chased the Rabbit's out of the brush they most often would stop and set between the rails. We took turn's shooting and always came home with plenty of cottontails. Dub would set traps and catch Mushrat's and other furbearers in the winter. Coon hunted and ice fished also. In summer they sold garden produce and eggs and dressed tame rabbits. Dub was a good mechanic and had a number of junk vehicles and constantly Traded Vehicles and dogs. The point Im trying to make Dub was wealthy because he was resourceful & self reliant and had Know How. My uncle had all his eggs in one basket with lots of new stuff he had to make payments on and suffered during lean times.. Best advice I ever heard was get out of debt and avoid debt like the plague and always have something growing when you are sleeping.
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Old 08-02-2020, 03:06 PM   #40
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Old Truck Man View Post
Its certainly off topic. However Im going to tell a story from my childhood that might help someone. Back before I was born in 1951 right after WWII There wasn't any work in the south. So "hillbilly" went up North. We lived in a place in North east Indiana. Called Hillbilly Haven. Everyone was from Southern Indiana , Kentucky ,Missouri , Arkansas ect. Most related to each other or Dog kin by Marrage. Any way My uncle Worked in the steel mills. Was a Welder. And quite often He was out of work due to layoffs or on strike. And He would try and make money welding out of his garage. The problem is you cant make money from folks who haven't got money. He complained Im sick and tired of no one not having any money. Another Mill worker named Dub When there wasn't any work had 10 children and the oldest was 11. Ole Dub wasn't mad or worried He was glad to have a vacation.. He had a not so great house He built himself and was always adding on to. And a number of hound dogs , chickens , rabbits, a fattening hog , and a couple milk goats. And last but not least a huge garden. I was friends with the oldest son. We would take the rabbit dogs and go to the railroad tracks. had a single shot 22. When the dogs chased the Rabbit's out of the brush they most often would stop and set between the rails. We took turn's shooting and always came home with plenty of cottontails. Dub would set traps and catch Mushrat's and other furbearers in the winter. Coon hunted and ice fished also. In summer they sold garden produce and eggs and dressed tame rabbits. Dub was a good mechanic and had a number of junk vehicles and constantly Traded Vehicles and dogs. The point Im trying to make Dub was wealthy because he was resourceful & self reliant and had Know How. My uncle had all his eggs in one basket with lots of new stuff he had to make payments on and suffered during lean times.. Best advice I ever heard was get out of debt and avoid debt like the plague and always have something growing when you are sleeping.
Thank you for sharing. You're right, I don't have much to complain about.

I am doing ok financially, I don't have a lot of debt, I have savings and now I have unemployment. I have a pension (that I can't collect for a few more years) and I have two fairly strong retirement accounts. My wife has a great job and makes enough for us to keep moving forward. I am able and willing to work...and I have a strong's just a matter of time before I am working again.

You say this is off topic...but the thing I'm frustrated the most about is the fact that I had plans for a 383, a new transmission, etc...and now my truck is on hold!! I think that is on topic..

I also worked really hard to get the job I had...I was persistent for several years before I finally got hired by the company that I wanted to work for...and was making twice the money I was making previously.

Anyway, as I said earlier...I just wanted to vent a little. I didn't realize that it would turn into a richard-measuring contest of who had it worse...

'65 GMC that identifies as a Chevrolet
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Old 08-02-2020, 06:15 PM   #41
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Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens View Post
Thank you for sharing. You're right, I don't have much to complain about.

I am doing ok financially, I don't have a lot of debt, I have savings and now I have unemployment. I have a pension (that I can't collect for a few more years) and I have two fairly strong retirement accounts. My wife has a great job and makes enough for us to keep moving forward. I am able and willing to work...and I have a strong's just a matter of time before I am working again.

You say this is off topic...but the thing I'm frustrated the most about is the fact that I had plans for a 383, a new transmission, etc...and now my truck is on hold!! I think that is on topic..

I also worked really hard to get the job I had...I was persistent for several years before I finally got hired by the company that I wanted to work for...and was making twice the money I was making previously.

Anyway, as I said earlier...I just wanted to vent a little. I didn't realize that it would turn into a richard-measuring contest of who had it worse...
Saul. Good. Man. Hope it helped even despite the contest.
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Building a small, high rpm engine with the perfect bore, stroke and rod ratio is very impressive.
It's like a highly skilled Morrocan sword fighter with a Damascus Steel Scimitar.....

Cubic inches is like Indiana Jones with a cheap pistol.
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