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Old 06-23-2008, 07:01 PM   #1
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Welding Classes, Finally!!!

Well, hotdog, i finally got up and out to the local community college and enrolled in welding classes this August.
I'm shooting for a certificate to aid in my career change.
I've been an automotive technician for the last 11 or so years since i was 15 and decided that i could never make enough money fixing cars for someone else, and i really want to start a family, so, i decided to start training at my life long dream of being a welder.

One thing i cannot seem to find an answer for, is what all do i need to bring to classes? I figure a hood, and some gloves at least. Would they allow goggles?
I have a vintage pair of welders goggles i inheireted from my dad, but that's all i have. After searching online, hoods are freakin' expensive, for decent looking ones anyways. Would it be worth my time to look for a used hood?

I'm starting off with a lighter load of 3 classes a week after 6pm.

Fundamentals of Welding Theory
Arithmetic for Welders
Arc Welding-flat are the 3 classes i'm starting with.
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Old 06-23-2008, 08:00 PM   #2
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

sounds like a man with a plan! That's cool man that you signed up, won't regret it! I loved taking welding classes at the college here, did it off and on along side of a HD mechanics course for the year. It was Monday - Friday, 8-4 though. Didn't do enough to get a ticket for welding, but enough to feel comfortable using the tools when a repair had to be done. Thoroughly enjoyed though!
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Old 06-23-2008, 09:25 PM   #3
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

ex, you should get a sylabus for class that will tell you what to bring.A welding helmet is an investment.If you are about to become a weldor you will need good ones.I say ones since not all hoods are good for all jobs.The type of hood you are most comfortable with will be like finding the bed you are most comfortable sleeping in.I suggest you invest in a mid priced serviceable flip hood and use it for a while.When you start classes there will probably be several styles in the class.Take the oppourtunity to try different ones and find which you like best.You may find you like different hoods for different styles,i.e. overhead,downhill,flat.
Goggles gloves and other equipment will be the same.I personally like the square lens cutting goggles but mostly because that's what fit's best over my glasses.I know others who don't like anything but the little individual circle style.
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Old 06-23-2008, 09:51 PM   #4
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

I got a decent welding helmet from napa for $50 last month . Its candy red with black ghost flames and a #10 fixed shade . Been wanting to take some of them classes here at the local community collage but everytime i go to sign up they are already full .
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Old 06-23-2008, 09:55 PM   #5
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

ex you looking for a auto darkening hood or a fixed one? Cause if you're looking at auto darkening yeah they'll run ya upwards of 200 bucks. But the fixed lenses shouldn't be too bad. Let me know how it goes cause i'll be taking welding classes when I get back
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panhandler62: Just don't search for "trannys" no matter how hard yours shifts -- you just won't get what you are looking for.

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Old 06-23-2008, 10:06 PM   #6
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

I've got a $79 hood from harbor freight, and it's badass. It's auto-adjusting, and has a slightly larger window than most. At work, they hired a guy to come train 5 of us, 3 days a week,5 hrs/day for 5 weeks. At the end of 5 weeks, all 5 of us passed vertical up and overhead. We are now state certified arc welders. Pretty laid back classes, and test was OK. Our next classes will be for Mig, and doing the same certifications, then we'll go on to Tig. I don't want to be a welder, but I am looking forward to doing the Tig. We are on a schedule and have welding projects every 3 weeks to do for work. I didn't get a raise for this, so that kinda sucked. It does look very good on a resume though lol.
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Old 06-23-2008, 10:08 PM   #7
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

Cool man glad to see your making a move for bigger and better things...

Im about to the same with the way times are.....

Im a welder, I have been welding since I was about 15......My grandfather showed me the basics of MIG welding and I was hooked....

Im now building sand rails and loving it....We do all kinds of repairs and complete turn key cars... I will be 24 the end of this year....

A welding helmet is by FAR the best Investment you will want to make...I have used old snap-on hoods with good luck...but they where non auto darkening...

Im Now using a Miller Elite hood( 2 years) money ever spent if your going to weld up a storm Haha

Here is a pic ....they now have a digital version of mine...

I call it my money maker LOL...It will pay for itself..

That lens is SHOT...I changed right after.....That is one chassis worth of welding on that lens...

Here are a couple welds for ya.....

Dirty or powdercoated steel is a little tricky and STINKS !!! You will get used to the smell and the taste LOL

These guys are always breaking stuff... LOL

Here is a complete car

Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmm Cam'd LS2

I wish you the best of luck with your welding classes !!!

I love welding and would like to further advance my skills in TIG welding also....Im thinking of going to night school....

Learn ALL aspects of welding, thats all I can say...

I have got some very nice compliments from some of the top builders in the sand car industry and it makes you proud to know you made that.....

Also knowing the skills you have achieved will save a persons life....I have built 3 cars now that people have crashed very badly and survived...

One being a 1300hpp Twin turbo LS2 car.....3600lbs of raw 4130 tubing !!! held up to a 70mph tumble !!!! Car was x-ray'd, crack free....


here is Link to the hood im using....This is the new digital adjusting hood....

Well worth the money IMO
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:48 AM   #8
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

Originally Posted by semperfidoordie View Post
ex you looking for a auto darkening hood or a fixed one? Cause if you're looking at auto darkening yeah they'll run ya upwards of 200 bucks. But the fixed lenses shouldn't be too bad. Let me know how it goes cause i'll be taking welding classes when I get back
I actually just noticed when i looked around on some sites that now there's auto darkening hoods. I literally know nothing of welding, but am very mechanically inclined, and have always perceived welding as this God-Like art form. My brother in law welds building rods every day, but is too busy to take in an apprentice. (freakin' don't get me started how wrong that is) And since this is something i've always felt hinders me, i'm gonna go out and learn as much as the instructors are willing to teach me.
Whoops, back on track tonto. Yeah, i think an auto darkening hood would be a good investment. I don't wanna be opening and closing the hood constantly, and i'll be wearing glasses when i weld, so, it sounds like it'd be easier if the name auto darkening means that it automatically darkens when you throw sparks. lol. See, that's how big of a noob i am with welding.

This is the first time in years that i feel like i know absolutely nothing. Usually i at least know a little about stuff, but, this is all new to me. I've been putting metal together for years with a drill, nuts and bolts and lock tite, now it's time to finally get some real s';t done. I'm amped and classes don't start till the end of August.
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:52 AM   #9
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

i gotta add...... those welds look insanely nice. How many truck loads of sticks have you gone through to get that good? lol.

I really appreciate the boost of moral i'm getting from you guys. As obviously i seem to lack the family support (for shame) it feels good hearing so many positive opinions on this career change. This seems like a really good opportunity to succeed for once.
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Old 06-24-2008, 05:36 AM   #10
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

save up and have some readily available ccash// go to your first class and see what the instructor says. its doubtfull that you're going to be foring up anything for awhile

worry alot less about the "look" of the welding helmet and more on what that helmet is going to do to ensure your eyes will survive without trama for a very long time!!
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Old 06-24-2008, 10:49 AM   #11
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

after my trial at welding,, I'm going to have to go to a class... good luck
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:12 AM   #12
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Re: Welding Classes, Finally!!!

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
save up and have some readily available ccash// go to your first class and see what the instructor says. its doubtfull that you're going to be foring up anything for awhile

worry alot less about the "look" of the welding helmet and more on what that helmet is going to do to ensure your eyes will survive without trama for a very long time!!
I'm not a very "flashy person" when it comes to tools, so i'm not concerned with the look of a mask. Functionality over fashion any day.
I was looking at some online and i like a 6 or 9" viewing screen. Auto darkening definately. I'll be wearing glasses. Any recommendations? which companies make the quality products?
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