SOMEONE, Need to know who can help with a schematic of the vacuum lines & air ducts to 1969 c20 W/Air dash controller. Key word I left out is the AC pump was removed and need the heater to operate again. I have replaced the fuse, fan switch, blower-resister. Seems the cowl fresh air duct & passenger side duct seems to be operational. The vacuum actuated hot water valve is working as well. The control levers don't seem to be operating the correct label as stated on the lever controls, also there is a open port on the elbow to the large portion of the heater box that blows very hot air on the back side of the lighter component. The defroster air force seems weak and does not blow hot air onto the windshield. Oh there are 3 vacuum ports on the lever #3 is blocked off 1&2 are being used PLEASE ADVISE.