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Old 03-04-2010, 12:34 AM   #1
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Home School.. who does it?

Like it says.. who home schools their kids? What program do you use? I have been looking at Abeka and several others myself. I know some folks unschool... wondering if that is easier or harder.

My mind is going a zillion mph with questions on the subject. Any input (not ranting) on the subject is appreciated
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Old 03-04-2010, 12:40 AM   #2
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

I have a co worker that home school all six of his children.
If you want I will ask him any questions you may have.

Spoke with him, and boy there is a lot to this subject!

Here are my scribbled notes from our conversation...
You can mix and match vendor curriculum packages.
He said that the Abeka course is more advanced than the others, and probably considered the best ones out there. Though he said that he uses another program, and mixes Abeka subjects in with his which is Alpha Omega ( a Christian based curriculum.
"BJU" or Bob Jones curriculum is known for math courses. (

He highly recommended you go to and research your state for your needs, and to go to their conventions since that's where he and his wife learned so much and kept on track with what was out there and going on in the HS community.

He did say that state governments are not exactly "friendly" to home schoolers, and local school districts can be even worse but since he lives in a rural area now it's not really an issue since they are under a lot of resource issues. But big county school districts can be a real bear.

He did say the whole "social integration" issue is based mostly out of ignorance, and of course if you do "live like a hermit" than that can be a problem. But in his case his children go to a lot of church activities, and are involved with the local little leagues.

Personally, I have met all of his kids and they are all just like any other "good kids" out there.

He and his wife have been doing home school for over 20 years, and he talked my ear off about this subject when I approached him about it on your behalf. So if you have a specific question, I'd be happy to ask him or even put you in touch with him.

Good luck!
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Old 03-04-2010, 01:21 AM   #3
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Curious, why not send your children to a public school?
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Old 03-04-2010, 01:37 AM   #4
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Thumbs down Re: Home School.. who does it?

why not send them to school like every one else ?

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Old 03-04-2010, 01:56 AM   #5
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

My sister home schooled her 3 boys until the sports bug brought the youngest boy back to public school.
Also have friends that have done it and some that are. All the results have been very good IMO

Not for everybody but I can see more value in home schooling than taking your chances with public school. I'd say most teachers are fine good people its the sytem and the other peoples kids that causes me to worry.
Gang activity, contant fights,drug abuse, sexual advances, Stuff kids don't need.
My days in school were mostly worry free. The above list comes from my stepkids reports from our local schools.

PM me if you'd like to chat directly with my sis.
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Old 03-04-2010, 05:30 AM   #6
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

We have home schooled our daughter from K to 12. She is a senior now. We used ABeka for K -1. I did not like the math teaching method. We switch to BJU curriculum and it has worked out very well. We have used just the books, we have used VHS, we have used satellite (no longer available), and now DVDs. Using a video class gives you a high quality class on subjects like science, math, foreign language, ect. And having a recording means your kids can rewind and watch it again. Videos also lighten your load as an instructor. At this point, my daughter pretty much does it all, and I check tests or fix the occasional problem. One thing I would add. When homeschooling, always use the Iowa Achievement tests every years. This gives you a standard of comparison so you can KNOW that your kids and doing OK or not. I have 5 nieces and nephews that have been home schooled. Three are college graduates, 1 with a masters degree, 1 is getting her masters degree, 1 college senior, and in the 8th grade. My daughter will start college in the fall. Over all, I am happy with our choice.

A friend of mine used a different curriculum with good successes. I can get the the name, but I believe that ALL of the material was on DVDs. Everything. I would have considered it if this was not our last year.
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:01 AM   #7
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

what, you don't have enough on your plate already? LOL

my only concern is the social interaction issue. granted I live in a fairly safe area but still I think it would be important.
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:14 AM   #8
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Social integration is only a problem if you live like a hermit. Good parenting will trump social integration any time. My daughter makes friend where ever she goes. She has younger friends and older friends. One friend of mine asked if his daughter could spend time with mine. Gordon hoped my daughter would influence his. His words, not mine. When we are at our shooting club, my friends are amazed at how my daughter just talks to them about most anything. My 5 nieces and nephews have similar stories.
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Old 03-04-2010, 01:29 PM   #9
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Thumbs up Re: Home School.. who does it?

There is no problem with socializing when it comes to homeschooling. You aren't locking them up in a cave are you? The only "socializing" at school takes place during recess, otherwise you are confined to a chair and told to be quiet. IMO it is better to homeschool your kids than to institutionalize them in an underfunded public school.
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Old 03-04-2010, 01:40 PM   #10
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

do you get a break on property taxes then. I mean if you are not using the public school system do you still help pay for it?
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Old 03-04-2010, 02:07 PM   #11
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

We're just beginning our Girls (2 and 5)

Each state's laws are different so be sure to read up on that first. Then, check and see if there is a state and/or local Homeschool chapter. In VA, it's HEAV. THey have free seminars every year that are excellent tools to learn techniques and the legal side of things. We plan to use co-op classes (that we will join to see what/how things are taught) with college educated teachers for subjects my wife and I aren't comfortable teaching as she gets into middle/high school. There are also local homeschool organizations that offer sports. We have several we know in Church and at my work that homeschool and are a tremendous resource for materials, ideas, and also social interraction with other homeschoolers.

We choose to teach our daughters true History and facts and not social agendas like I saw my last few years and all my family's children are talking about now that they are being taught (not saying every school or teacher does this but I have first hand experience with this as well as reliable second hand examples that are downright sickening).
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Old 03-04-2010, 02:46 PM   #12
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by 68C15 View Post
do you get a break on property taxes then. I mean if you are not using the public school system do you still help pay for it?
Still have to pay your property taxes. :P
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:37 PM   #13
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

I can't believe how much doom and gloom you guys picture the public school system as.

Me and my family have gone to public schools and we're all just fine. I haven't been shot at, I haven't been offered to buy weed, my teachers are great people, I've made some excellent friends and lastly I know how the real world is outside my perfect little box of a home.

Either my little colony here in West Nebraska is plague free or you guys are maybe over stating things?
1979 Chevy K10 (H/D Front end) - 350 w/ Holley Truck Avenger, Weinald Intake manifold, headers, bored .060 over, mild cam, Built up TH350 (TranStar Shift kit) with a part-timed NP203 t-case SOLD ($3,000)
1997 Chevy Silverado 1500 - 4.3 vortec, extended cab, 21 highway MPG, stock. "Red" SOLD ($3,000)
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:42 PM   #14
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Benelli View Post
Curious, why not send your children to a public school?
They are in public school and have been since kindergarten. I have problems with the school system and specific disability policies that are in place. Unfortunately with the no child left behind laws, some children get sucked into cracks.
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:43 PM   #15
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
They are in public school and have been since kindergarten. I have problems with the school system and specific disability policies that are in place. Unfortunately with the no child left behind laws, some children get sucked into cracks.
I understand. I'm sorry to have jumped to conclusions.
1979 Chevy K10 (H/D Front end) - 350 w/ Holley Truck Avenger, Weinald Intake manifold, headers, bored .060 over, mild cam, Built up TH350 (TranStar Shift kit) with a part-timed NP203 t-case SOLD ($3,000)
1997 Chevy Silverado 1500 - 4.3 vortec, extended cab, 21 highway MPG, stock. "Red" SOLD ($3,000)
1987 Toyota 4wd Pick-up - work in progress, future DD SOLD ($1,850)
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:45 PM   #16
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by jackblack View Post
why not send them to school like every one else ?
I would tell ya where to stick your thumbs down, but then I would have to yell at myself. Perhaps if you WERE home schooled, you would not have to ask for assistance from strangers with your math work...

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Old 03-04-2010, 07:45 PM   #17
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Benelli View Post
I understand. I'm sorry to have jumped to conclusions.
Its all good. I have no issue discussing it when folks are nice in asking
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:47 PM   #18
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
They are in public school and have been since kindergarten. I have problems with the school system and specific disability policies that are in place. Unfortunately with the no child left behind laws, some children get sucked into cracks.
Liz, I am trained in special education, I would like to know the difficulties your kids are having...there are MANY things you can do to make the situation better. No children should be falling in the cracks, that is a huge "no no" now. PM if you would like my help or advice, but I realize you don't know me, and I do not know your situation...just offering to help.

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Old 03-04-2010, 07:47 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Liz View Post
Like it says.. who home schools their kids? What program do you use? I have been looking at Abeka and several others myself. I know some folks unschool... wondering if that is easier or harder.

My mind is going a zillion mph with questions on the subject. Any input (not ranting) on the subject is appreciated
again, if you have no positive input on the original question... please close the thread

Originally Posted by Bus Ted Knuckle View Post
Liz, I am trained in special education, I would like to know the difficulties your kids are having...there are MANY things you can do to make the situation better. No children should be falling in the cracks, that is a huge "no no" now. PM if you would like my help or advice, but I realize you don't know me, and I do not know your situation...just offering to help.
state policies are the issue. This year is a bit better. Last year for instance, my daughter started improving her grades with intervention team help. Because she had started improving, intervention stopped (as per policy) and the same vicious cycle began.

My son whom is an A A+ student, was put into a beta type program (rotation of classes in 4th grade) this year. He has gone from as I said A, A+ student to a C+ C student. This is with tutoring involved. The rotation is not optional, and is not something we can change.

I will PM you when I have a minute next week, and do appreciate the offer for help.

and for the record, I went to public school, as did my parents and cousins etc. District by district, school by school, state by state all have different policies. So for someone to say I went to public school, has no weight on this discussion at all

Originally Posted by 68C15 View Post
what, you don't have enough on your plate already? LOL

my only concern is the social interaction issue. granted I live in a fairly safe area but still I think it would be important.
The kids are in baseball, dance, scouts, awanas and involved in the site and meets as they happen. Add in their established friends, and thats not a concern at all

as for everyone else THANK YOU for the info. Please keep it and your experiences coming. vectorit thank you so much for the info you obtained for me. That was above and beyond and helps a bunch
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:01 PM   #20
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

I think where you are at has a lot to do with it. While it's the parent's responsibility to educate the kid on dangers and just say no.....I was offered beer and weed on the bus in 8th grade (1990) and saw people smoking weed openly at the high school games (in a supposedly conservative, top tier school system). I had instructors teaching me things which were NOT true as fact. I was graded unfairly on several papers based on my beliefs being different than the instructor and considered wrong (as his comments next to the grade freely explained) Now, listening to nieces and nephews and seeing papers they are being asked to write as well as reading the teacher's assignments, I know we're making the right choice. Political statements and indoctrination abound. Mostly to one side, but I've seen both sides pushed and neither should be pushed in school.
Our children will know our beliefs but be allowed to make decisions on their own and not told how they should vote; who is right and wrong, etc. And we will teach Science as the Theories as they truly are. Much of Science is not a FACT. Ask any scientist and they will tell you. Some theories are generally accepted and some have been proven, but others are still theories. I mean seriously, they used to theorize the world was flat until they found out that it was round. Now that we have photographic evidence it is in fact round, but up until then it was only theory.
Take Climate change/Global warming for example, it is a fact that our climate changes, but only a theory that our emmissions lead to global warming. If you research it yourself you will see that we're actually in a cooling trend over the last decade plus....and many scientists and climatologists now theorize that co2 emmissions actually cool the earth...not warm it. I don't want this to start an argument on global warming. There are plenty of scientists and people on both sides of the argument. And I am all for taking care of the resources provided to us and recycling/conserving. My point is that in public school, our children would be taught Global warming is a 100% proven fact (we've seen as such from items our neighbors' teachers gave them to bring home)

And finally, I don't want my children when they are 8-10 years old being given birth control or condoms. My wife and I are taking care of explaining things to them and they will not be naive, but they will not be told what children learn in public schools now.
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:06 PM   #21
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

well said I happened to have the global warming discussion with my daughter tonight. According to her homework it is real, did effect polar bears etc. Interesting you used that as an example as well
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:12 PM   #22
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
well said I happened to have the global warming discussion with my daughter tonight. According to her homework it is real, did effect polar bears etc. Interesting you used that as an example as well
dang, I erased it because I thought it might clutter your thread....if you have it somewhere and want to repost...feel free to....
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:18 PM   #23
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Wow I will refrain from the comments as to why we homeschool and resist the urge to comment on my kids knowing the real world outside the box of their own little home because I want to see the thread stay open.

But here is how we approach it. We don't use a set program. We use a little bit of this a little bit of that and adjust as needed. That's one of the beauties of homeschooling, if something doesn't work for someone or fails to inspire, or is just simply written poorly we don't have to cram it down our kids throats just becasue it is what we have to work with. We can go out and find a different set of workbooks study aids method of instruction that works better for our kids. We belong to a home school group which is basically a loose affiliation of parents that organize various events for the kids to participate in. We have parents who have been through programs before who can give their honest opinion about certain programs/workbooks that they found successful and why they worked for them. We can borrow said materials from others and share our own to create a cirriculum that works. We order boxes of materials from Scholastic every month and a former neighbor actually owns a home school bookstore. We have found for the $ we'd rather not be stuck in a "program" and have more freedom to put together from various sources to cater to what our kids like and excel at.

There are lots of different agendas out there as to WHY people homeschool and lots of people create their program to support their own agenda. I think one must weigh into what you are trying to accomplish by homeschooling and what is the best way to get there.
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:50 PM   #24
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Benelli View Post
I can't believe how much doom and gloom you guys picture the public school system as.

Me and my family have gone to public schools and we're all just fine. I haven't been shot at, I haven't been offered to buy weed, my teachers are great people, I've made some excellent friends and lastly I know how the real world is outside my perfect little box of a home.

Either my little colony here in West Nebraska is plague free or you guys are maybe over stating things?
Benelli: Count your blessings daily that you are in a rural community, small towns, small schools, low population, helping neighbors, and hard work. You probably have learned more by growing up around machinery, building fences, repairing buildings, feeding cattle in a snow storm, and working with your hands that a lot of college grads who grew up without those know twice your age.
We raised 4 kids, who are middle age now, but came home after they had gone out in the real world and thanked their mom and I for what they learned being stuck on a tractor, feeding cattle, making decisions, and being responsible. We also never had any of the problems you named and I thank God for it. (Speeding tickets don't count) They came home shaking their heads at peers they encountered who didn't seem to have a lick of common sense.
We have a rancher neighbor who home-schooled their son, and on his tests, he scored higher than most public schooled kids even here in our isolated area.
For those who live in the big cities, I say go for it to those who are looking for alternate ways to prepare your kids for the future. Keep them where they are individuals, instead of one of the masses.
Hope my little grateful speech stayed pretty close to subject.

Okla. Panhandle

I think I'll do it myself and pay the extra $500.
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:29 PM   #25
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
I would tell ya where to stick your thumbs down, but then I would have to yell at myself. Perhaps if you WERE home schooled, you would not have to ask for assistance from strangers with your math work...
sorry but I suck in math .

every kid i know that were home schooled are crazy as hell act like they have lived under a u always act like a a-- hole
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