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Old 11-25-2010, 06:35 PM   #1
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Bad Day

So i took the Dually in For tires had all the rims and tires in the bed of the truck as i was going from 16.5 inch rears to 16 inch wheels.... Simple right?

So i left the truck and went for a nice lunch with the wife and stopped by the local R/C shop to race some laps

Go to pick up the truck dude behind the counter tells me he can't install the tires because they are a "P" rating? there truck tires but any ways that's my fault i guess. so upon leaving i pulled off of the side road the shop was on and as i pulled on to a 4 lane busy high way and my tail gate opened and spewed 4 dually rims and 4 tires on rims all over the road so i pulled over and had to run out on a busy highway and try and retrieve the tire and rims before they got hit and caused damage etc. The Shop workers stood there and watched me until my wife told them they better help me and buddy comes over picks up one tire and goes "Get a better ****ing truck" My "truck" has nothing to do with the idiot tech who did not close my tail gate and pile the tires in a nice orderly fashion.

So if you plan on getting tires changed don't go to belleville tire.I realize 90% of this forum is US ppl but none the less just putting it out there

P.S if you let someone touch your truck just check the tail gate b4 you drive off could save a lot of head ache.
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Old 11-25-2010, 07:52 PM   #2
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Re: Bad Day

Good comment, however, I would not have let Mr. Tire guy touch my truck with me NOT at the shop. It is just my habit and it has worked well for me. Most shops have signs to keep the customer out---suposedly due to Insurance. That is a line---It is to protect the jerk working in the back from being trounced by the car's owner. If they want my business, then they work with me--there is always anothere shop to go to.

They MUST remember to not PO the customer, otherwise they are gonna go hyngry waiting for another one to show up. Did you go back and tell the tire guy that you really appreciated his ability to screw up your day?

Do you have a law that limits them from mounting tires on certain rims? Most shops will mount what you want as long as you are paying.
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:02 PM   #3
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Re: Bad Day

Make 1 customer happy and they tell 10 people. Piss one off and they tell 100.
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:20 PM   #4
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Re: Bad Day

They didn't close the tailgate properly and they have the nerve to say something like that . Put an ad on your local Kijiji about the service you received and the way you were treated .

Last edited by ont_guy_38; 11-25-2010 at 08:21 PM.
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:50 PM   #5
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by piecesparts View Post

Do you have a law that limits them from mounting tires on certain rims? Most shops will mount what you want as long as you are paying.
I work at a tire shop. And the tire stop do have the right to not to put on a tire that is unsafe or wrong load range for the type of car/truck. Because it is the tire shops ass on the line if you have a problem and blow a tire. Or somthig where to happen.

This is a very often case. Turning way work like this just mounting tires.
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:53 PM   #6
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by ont_guy_38 View Post
They didn't close the tailgate properly and they have the nerve to say something like that . Put an ad on your local Kijiji about the service you received and the way you were treated .
Good idea! my Wife already told them that i am on several forums and i am. she said their bussiness will be run into the ground so bad it will not be good.

Worst part is i'm not mad about the tail gate as much as i am about the comment. some ppls trucks have quirks (mine does ) BUT thats no reason to tell me to Buy "a better truck" lol looking in the Employee parking lot my multi colored Southern cabbed CC Dually looks Like a 2010. None the less i was treated like **** and that was uncalled for
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:54 PM   #7
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by 3r!c84 View Post
I work at a tire shop. And the tire stop do have the right to not to put on a tire that is unsafe or wrong load range for the type of car/truck. Because it is the tire shops ass on the line if you have a problem and blow a tire. Or somthig where to happen.

This is a very often case. Turning way work like this just mounting tires.
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i dont care they wouldn't mount the bad not looking at the load rating.
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Old 11-25-2010, 09:15 PM   #8
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Re: Bad Day

I have no problem with the P rating deal being refused, and I could even forgive some tire monkey for being too stupid to close a tailgate properly. But watching you risk your life in traffic trying to prevent a wreck, and then having the nerve to diss your truck?! I would have lost my sh*t totally at that point. Tell em to find me a better truck right now and I'll chain up to it and drag it until it's wheels fall off.

We have a local tire store here that does unbleievable crap to people. I went straight from having tierods and a steering stabilizer shock installed, drove 4 miles to get an alignment there. 2 hours later they call to tell me that I need a new stabilizer shock.. Really? Are you sure? Well, that's what the tech who checked it said, they're usually due for replacement at that age, so it must be leaking or something. So I said why don't you look again because it is brand new today! Then they wouldn't rotate my tires for me because they removed the outers and found the bolt on spacers. The ones that I told them about and agreed to pay extra labor for them to do because they are a pita. Then they tried to sell me a set of junk tires for way more than I bought my name brand Intercos for. Also they have a rule about leaving the drivers window down so they dont lock the keys in. My mother in law took her Avalanche there for an aoil change, her window wouldn't go down more than a couple inches, so instead of puttingthe keys in the door lock, or opening one of the other 3 windows, nitwit forces the window down by hand and breaks the regulator. I think they tell everyone who goes there for an inspection they need balljoints, even when they don't. I've seen balljoints that failed go to my friends shop for the work, and he wouldn't do it because there was absolutley nothing wrong with them. Scumbags. Sorry for the rant. I get carried away!
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Old 11-25-2010, 09:26 PM   #9
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by RandyP View Post
Piss one off and they tell 100.
.........Or in this case a few thousand!

Happy to hear you didn't get hit!

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Old 11-25-2010, 09:27 PM   #10
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by DetroitDan View Post
I have no problem with the P rating deal being refused, and I could even forgive some tire monkey for being too stupid to close a tailgate properly. But watching you risk your life in traffic trying to prevent a wreck, and then having the nerve to diss your truck?! I would have lost my sh*t totally at that point. Tell em to find me a better truck right now and I'll chain up to it and drag it until it's wheels fall off.

We have a local tire store here that does unbleievable crap to people. I went straight from having tierods and a steering stabilizer shock installed, drove 4 miles to get an alignment there. 2 hours later they call to tell me that I need a new stabilizer shock.. Really? Are you sure? Well, that's what the tech who checked it said, they're usually due for replacement at that age, so it must be leaking or something. So I said why don't you look again because it is brand new today! Then they wouldn't rotate my tires for me because they removed the outers and found the bolt on spacers. The ones that I told them about and agreed to pay extra labor for them to do because they are a pita. Then they tried to sell me a set of junk tires for way more than I bought my name brand Intercos for. Also they have a rule about leaving the drivers window down so they dont lock the keys in. My mother in law took her Avalanche there for an aoil change, her window wouldn't go down more than a couple inches, so instead of puttingthe keys in the door lock, or opening one of the other 3 windows, nitwit forces the window down by hand and breaks the regulator. I think they tell everyone who goes there for an inspection they need balljoints, even when they don't. I've seen balljoints that failed go to my friends shop for the work, and he wouldn't do it because there was absolutley nothing wrong with them. Scumbags. Sorry for the rant. I get carried away!
yeah i mean had buddy come and help and not made a rude comment i would have been alright. but it was rude and disrespectful.that's not how to treat a customer.on top of all this i have a bad back and should not be moving tires around let alone huge heavy duallys. so on top of all this i pulled a muscle or something in my back and wrenched my arm trying to throw the tires off the road. my fire was more helpful at 5'2 and 145 pounds. Kijiji add posted BTW
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Old 11-25-2010, 09:29 PM   #11
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by S10Fan View Post
.........Or in this case a few thousand!

Happy to hear you didn't get hit!
lol after i went in and lost my **** on the dude behind the desk i walked across the road with out looking and a big rig just about got me :S (being mad and crossing 4 lanes of traffic is a bad idea :S)
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Old 11-25-2010, 10:37 PM   #12
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by 1tonchevy View Post
lol after i went in and lost my **** on the dude behind the desk i walked across the road with out looking and a big rig just about got me :S (being mad and crossing 4 lanes of traffic is a bad idea :S)
That could have left a very large mark on your body. LOL.

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Old 11-25-2010, 10:52 PM   #13
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Re: Bad Day

well thanks won't be goin there,don't get down there much but i did just get my jimmy from Trenton
back 94 or so i bought a 83 Camaro Berlinetta with a 6 in it brought it to canadian tire at Carlingwood(fairlawn) for tires bought and installed there,on my 79 camaro rallies,having just bought it and used to 350s it seemed gutless on the drive home...bring out the girlfriend and say there you go a new (2U)car...lets go for a drive......I'm standing on the passenger side and she starts it ,i start feeling/smelling exhaust look under to see a long gash in the cat with some red paint....WTF drove right back as they were closing...deny deny deny I explained I just bought the car,it was inspected yesterday and i just needed tires,thats was it was there,they said i would have to come back next day,everyone had left ,got a couple of names and left as i was leaving the lot the door opened and i saw the guy who worked on the car driving another towards the door(was told he had left allready),drove in parked in the way walked over to the red lift and said i'll bet that lines up to my car,they said no wasn't on that hoist,i said yes it was argued and the guy finally said it might have happened and he was sorry......took a while to get them to agree to fix it,days after they made it worse ordered a H.O.y pipe and cat instead ended up gettin it welded to seal it up

now they get one tire at a time
for front wheel drive cars they won't put better tires on the front then the back
cause the good ones (front)will pull you around the corner,and
the bad (back) ones may let you slide the back around into someone or just loose control

so a front wheel drive car gets new tires on the back first up here
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Old 11-26-2010, 02:37 AM   #14
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Re: Bad Day

whats the shop called. your not far from me
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:02 AM   #15
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by tazman87 View Post
whats the shop called. your not far from me
From the original post:

So if you plan on getting tires changed don't go to belleville tire.I realize 90% of this forum is US ppl but none the less just putting it out there
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:29 AM   #16
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by DetroitDan View Post
I have no problem with the P rating deal being refused, and I could even forgive some tire monkey for being too stupid to close a tailgate properly. But watching you risk your life in traffic trying to prevent a wreck, and then having the nerve to diss your truck?! I would have lost my sh*t totally at that point. Tell em to find me a better truck right now and I'll chain up to it and drag it until it's wheels fall off.

We have a local tire store here that does unbleievable crap to people. I went straight from having tierods and a steering stabilizer shock installed, drove 4 miles to get an alignment there. 2 hours later they call to tell me that I need a new stabilizer shock.. Really? Are you sure? Well, that's what the tech who checked it said, they're usually due for replacement at that age, so it must be leaking or something. So I said why don't you look again because it is brand new today! Then they wouldn't rotate my tires for me because they removed the outers and found the bolt on spacers. The ones that I told them about and agreed to pay extra labor for them to do because they are a pita. Then they tried to sell me a set of junk tires for way more than I bought my name brand Intercos for. Also they have a rule about leaving the drivers window down so they dont lock the keys in. My mother in law took her Avalanche there for an aoil change, her window wouldn't go down more than a couple inches, so instead of puttingthe keys in the door lock, or opening one of the other 3 windows, nitwit forces the window down by hand and breaks the regulator. I think they tell everyone who goes there for an inspection they need balljoints, even when they don't. I've seen balljoints that failed go to my friends shop for the work, and he wouldn't do it because there was absolutley nothing wrong with them. Scumbags. Sorry for the rant. I get carried away!
Years ago, there used to be a company in Southern California that did the same things. They are no longer in business and the court cases against them were very numerous. Many of you may remember the "Mark C. Bloom" outlets. I was out there in 1983 and was looking for a job. I interviewed with that company and they told me then that all of their people worked on commission only, which makes for a very nasty work ethic. I watched closely at the outlet that I was interviewing at and found that they kept old car parts in their tool boxes, so that they could go to the front and show the unsuspecting car owner a leaky shock or bad steering joint. They then proportedly ordered and installed new parts---which apprently were not needed. It is all in the cash over the counter and what you can get people to believe.
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Old 11-26-2010, 11:35 AM   #17
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Re: Bad Day

So i called the owner of the business

Told him the story and such. Hes disgusted and will be getting to the bottom of it and calling me back to day.

Worst part is im not overly mad at the fact that my tires and rims ended up all over the road as much as i'm pissed the way i was talked too and the way I treated as a customer

So lets see what comes of this.
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Old 11-26-2010, 11:58 AM   #18
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by RandyP View Post
Make 1 customer happy and they tell 10 people. Piss one off and they tell 100.
x2 that lol
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