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Old 09-15-2011, 07:35 PM   #1
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Just about had enough

This POS of a truck I own is really pissing me off! Today is the first cool day (55 to 60 degrees tops) I have tried starting the truck. I ended up draining the flippin battery trying to start it. The f'in carb does not have a functional choke, so it stays open all the time. I can never tell how many times I need to pump the gas to ensure the engine can start. And when the battery does get low, the f'in starter wants to **** all over the flywheel.

I like this truck, I really do. But why do I end up with **** like this? The truck is dead until I can get the battery to AZ and get it recharged. I really wish I knew some people that were knowledgeable about this stuff that were close by that would be willing to help me fix things. All I have to rely on is a Haynes book and these forums.

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Old 09-15-2011, 08:07 PM   #2
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Re: Just about had enough

manually engage the choke. starter fluid can help
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:14 PM   #3
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Re: Just about had enough

Ok a properly tuned motor should only require a choke in real cold weather. Sounds like it has some issues, but if it runs fine and doesn't knock, smoke, or leak it's all minor stuff. Most people try to pump the gas and crank at the same time, this usually is wrong. One or two pumps, then hit the key, if it doesn't fire up, repeat. If you are having to crank on it till the battery goes dead, you've got some tuning issues that need attention. I know it can be frustrating, but it can be fixed.
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:35 PM   #4
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Re: Just about had enough

Hang in there!

Perhaps you could find some other truck enthusiast in your area that could help you out. If all else fails post something on Craigslist; JUST BE SURE TO CHECK THE PERSON OUT BEFORE YOU GIVE THEM YOUR HOME ADDRESS. There's just too many freak out there.

I spent half a day one day last week rebuilding my carb and getting the choke to work. Fix it correctly once and put this issue behind you.
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:43 PM   #5
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by rwhit57 View Post
Ok a properly tuned motor should only require a choke in real cold weather. Sounds like it has some issues, but if it runs fine and doesn't knock, smoke, or leak it's all minor stuff. Most people try to pump the gas and crank at the same time, this usually is wrong. One or two pumps, then hit the key, if it doesn't fire up, repeat. If you are having to crank on it till the battery goes dead, you've got some tuning issues that need attention. I know it can be frustrating, but it can be fixed.
It runs pretty solid. When cruising, it misfires quite often. I did replace the plugs about a month ago. Next week, my uncle is gonna help me time the truck. I am hoping the timing is off so some of my issues get resolved.

I'm getting a manual choke cable tomorrow. Can I get away with the fast idle cam unhooked until I get linkage kit or new carb?
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:48 PM   #6
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Re: Just about had enough

Spend $12 on a manual choke kit -easy install and solves all choke problems.
I find that even in AZ on hot days a choke is needed for cold start up, then you can open the choke immediately.
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Old 09-15-2011, 09:28 PM   #7
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by rwhit57 View Post
Ok a properly tuned motor should only require a choke in real cold weather. Sounds like it has some issues, but if it runs fine and doesn't knock, smoke, or leak it's all minor stuff. Most people try to pump the gas and crank at the same time, this usually is wrong. One or two pumps, then hit the key, if it doesn't fire up, repeat. If you are having to crank on it till the battery goes dead, you've got some tuning issues that need attention. I know it can be frustrating, but it can be fixed.
That is how I start mine. When I bought my stepside the choke wasn't hooked up, I've been meaning to do it. I just haven't had a chance. However I've swapped the engine 4 times in the last 27 years.

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Old 09-15-2011, 08:48 PM   #8
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Re: Just about had enough

Don't even need the choke. I've had MANY vehicles that never had the choke hooked up and never had one not start. I live in the northeast, so it gets plenty cold, like below zero cold. Two maybe three pumps and it's running. Now I'll say this, it will start, but won't stay running until it is warmed up. I'd say you have other issues.
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Old 09-15-2011, 09:55 PM   #9
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by b454rat View Post
Don't even need the choke. I've had MANY vehicles that never had the choke hooked up and never had one not start. I live in the northeast, so it gets plenty cold, like below zero cold. Two maybe three pumps and it's running. Now I'll say this, it will start, but won't stay running until it is warmed up. I'd say you have other issues.
many cars before this .....pump two maybe three
wait for it to catch...and spit..maybe a stall
and my foots the choke till it's warm.....@-40C

don't pump.....pour gas in the will know its in
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Old 09-15-2011, 09:30 PM   #10
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Re: Just about had enough

in that warm of weather you don't even need a choke! i have had many carbed vehicles in idaho and they started without a choke in temps down to 30's. sounds like if its missfirreing often at cruise that your timing is off. does it crank funny or smooth?
when it tries to fire does it kinda skip?
can you smell fuel while cranking?

really sounds like your issue is timing and a little carb tuning
i haven't noticed where are you from?
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Old 09-15-2011, 09:41 PM   #11
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Re: Just about had enough

Invest in a battery charger and it sounds like after timing is reset and you fine tune everytrhing you should be gold.
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Old 09-16-2011, 12:23 AM   #12
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Re: Just about had enough

What's your location? I bet there are some members not too far that are willing to help. If you're anywhere close to me, I'd me more than willing to assist. It sounds like a little more tweaking to get it right.
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:51 AM   #13
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Re: Just about had enough

Exactly where I was, Ottawa. I remember a couple times where it was -40, and two pumps maybe three, my 78 Malibu with a 200k 400 would start right up. It wouldn't idle, but would start. Once you get it running, if it stalls it will be easier to start.

I would try one pump when the truck has been sitting or if it's cold. Crank for a couple seconds, if it doesn't start, try to pumps. In less your accelerator pump isn't working, you should get something....

Like the others mentioned, get at least a trickle charger, check the timing and make sure everything is up to snuff.
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:59 AM   #14
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Re: Just about had enough

My big block will start without using the choke, but will require pumping some gas into the carb. By closing the choke first, I do not have to give it any gas at all, unless the truck has been sitting for a few days without running.
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Old 09-16-2011, 08:06 AM   #15
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Re: Just about had enough

Remember, they don't need to be truck people. None of the riddles you are trying to solve are unique to trucks. Go to a car show or swap meet in the area. That is where you will find them.
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Old 09-16-2011, 08:43 AM   #16
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Re: Just about had enough

I appreciate everyone's support. I have updated my location to reflect where I live.

I plan to check the timing today once the battery gets recharged. Plus swap the alt for one that isn't dumping AC into the battery, and install a choke cable.

Thanks again.
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Old 09-16-2011, 03:44 PM   #17
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Re: Just about had enough

**** this piece of ****! I get the battery recharged, the alternator replaced (again) and all I get is 1 click from the starter solenoid. It won't even attempt to crank at this point. I am really ****ing pissed off. All I have been doing for the last 2 months is replacing ****ing starters. Now the truck is on the street and it will be a ***** to replace like the last 4 or 5 times.


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Old 09-16-2011, 03:53 PM   #18
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Re: Just about had enough

How do the battery cables look? Check your grounds to the body and frame.
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Old 09-16-2011, 03:56 PM   #19
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by irishman999 View Post
How do the battery cables look? Check your grounds to the body and frame.
They are all new. I don't have a cable running from engine to frame.
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Old 09-16-2011, 04:13 PM   #20
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Re: Just about had enough

You don't want to hear this, but what you have is likely a simple problem.
Is your battery holding a charge? Try jump starting the battery you have or put it on a small battery charger if you have one. Once you have it started, take it back to AZ and ask them to do a free check on the charging system.
If you still have trouble getting the engine to crank over, have the starter checked.
But first, take off the battery cables, make sure the battery posts and cable ends are clean and tight on both ends of the cable. Also, check the connections at the starter, but do NOT over tighten the connections at the starter or solenoid. I have installed parts before finger tight and forgotten to go back and use a wrench to finish the job - got distracted or whatever.
Once you solve the no start electrical problem the manual choke will fix all choke issues.
If none of this works you can check to see if you have current to the solenoid when the ignition key is turned to the start position.
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Old 09-16-2011, 11:50 PM   #21
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Re: Just about had enough

Don't give up, we've all been through similar issues with our vehicles at one time or another. Have you ever had the carb rebuilt? What kind of carburetor is it? Plug wires changed? Distributor cap and rotor changed? These are all simple items to look at and change. Your starter may also need to be shimmed. Does it sound like it is making good contact with the flywheel? How do the flywheel teeth look?

Approach it in a civilized manner--look at these things as challenges to make you learn about your truck. Remember, its just a machine. There's a wealth of information all over the internet, too. I wish this information was around when I started working on my vehicles years ago.

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Old 09-17-2011, 01:21 AM   #22
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Re: Just about had enough

Try jumping the solenoid as said earlier. Either with a screwdriver, small pry bar or remote starter. It wont shock you. If it cranks and even fires, then it's a bad solenoid. Jump the battery terminal on the solenoid to the "start" terminal.
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Old 09-17-2011, 03:17 AM   #23
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by 67_SS396 View Post
Try jumping the solenoid as said earlier. Either with a screwdriver, small pry bar or remote starter. It wont shock you. If it cranks and even fires, then it's a bad solenoid. Jump the battery terminal on the solenoid to the "start" terminal.
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Most likely, but it could mean the power isn't getting to the solenoid when the ignition is turned to the start position. The fact that it's clicking tells me it probably is, but this should be checked also.

Start fresh, plugs, dist cap, rotor, wires, make sure the starter is shimmed right, adjust the timing until the motor fires quickly, and then see where you're at. If the carb needs work find someone that can do it for you.
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Old 09-17-2011, 01:10 PM   #24
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by rwhit57 View Post
Most likely, but it could mean the power isn't getting to the solenoid when the ignition is turned to the start position. The fact that it's clicking tells me it probably is, but this should be checked also.

Start fresh, plugs, dist cap, rotor, wires, make sure the starter is shimmed right, adjust the timing until the motor fires quickly, and then see where you're at. If the carb needs work find someone that can do it for you.
It only clicked once sine I reinstalled battery and alt. The plugs are fresh, wires are good, unknown about cap and rotor, and the carb will be replaced soon.
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Old 09-17-2011, 12:49 PM   #25
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Re: Just about had enough

Originally Posted by 67_SS396 View Post
Try jumping the solenoid as said earlier. Either with a screwdriver, small pry bar or remote starter. It wont shock you. If it cranks and even fires, then it's a bad solenoid. Jump the battery terminal on the solenoid to the "start" terminal.
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Sorry, I have never jumped anything like this. Is there a way to do this w/o having to be under the truck? Thanks.
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