I've come to a point in my build that has stumped me. I have relocated the fuel tank under the bed. Now I need to run my fuel lines and mount my pump. I have a Mallory 140 pump and return style reg. I know I need to keep it as close as possible to the tank but I'm out of places to put it without it being in the way. I was going to put it on the crossmember in front of the tank. It will clear the suspension however I think it will be too close to the exhaust that will run over the axle. The next best place I'm looking at is on the outside of the frame rail next to the tank, but again I think it will be close to the exhaust and will be subject to everything that comes off of the tire (excessive rubber)
If you have a picture of where your pump is that would help a lot. How far can the pump be away from the tank? I know the easy answer would have been a mechanical pump but the block won't take one. Trade off: cheap roller engine v. PITA fuel system.... Any help is greatly appreciated.