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Old 03-20-2014, 11:04 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Atlanta GA
Posts: 94
Thumbs up My first project!

Mines gonna start out slow were preparing to move from southeast Missouri to around Rome GA, so it will start slow but once we get settled in Georgia it'll start pickin up feel free to add and follow! And thank you all in advance for the help that I will be asking for!!

Little about me!

This is my first truck build I've been into go carts and anything else with a wheel sense I was 6. I've cut a bicycle up and made a mini bike with a 5hp Briggs made a go cart usual fun stuff, this is my first truck build tho, my name is Jamie I'm 20 years old and I have a 1968 step side long bed. I've grown up around trucks and fast cars. I'm doing this build by myself so I will need help my stepdad is in a chair and doesn't get into this kinda stuff so I'm on my own on this one. Life's been hell but you have to keep movein on.

My truck!

I bought the truck running and driving I only got it about halfway home then she died on me had to get it towed to the farm. It sat thru some bad bad weather we go over the winter. I messed with it messed with it n couldn't get it then I found it was an inline fuse coming from the junction block. While it was sitting my fuel filter ended up looking horrible people before me put a new filter on it to make it seem fine... Well I got a new tank, new fuel pump, new fuel lines, changed oil, oil filter, spark plugs, and new battery hopefully she runs fine for a while now while I save some money. It has the original 307 with a rebuilt 350trans horrable interior decent body average rust mostly surface. The back bumper is old fashion I love it!! I took it off to try and straighten it and it feel on my wrist NOT A GOOD FEELING!! But couldn't get it straight thinkin about backing into a tree or the cat loader lmao!

My plans!

I plan to have this project completely done in 2 years max. I will level my truck out 1" in the front 3" in the back, disk breaks front, 5 lug wheels nothing too fancy, some sweet street tires, a built 350, new carb and maybe trans too (not sure yet), refresh all the interior, tint windows, sandblasted and power coated frame axels an springs, and have a spare long bed (regular) to change up the look sometimes. not sure if I want it repainted yet or not some people told me to put CLR on it ill see what it looks like... if I do repaint it then it will be the same color

She's not too pretty right now but y'all know how it is I call her Sally

Attachment 1230767

Who loves the "low profile tiers" lmao their being trashed as soon as I get her running right

Attachment 1230768

Some dumb@$$ pinched the transfer tube shut

Attachment 1230765

Trashed the gas tank

Attachment 1230769

No interior

Attachment 1230771

So much room in the bay

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Views: 169
Size:  58.6 KB

Original stock wood lmao

Name:  truck6.jpg
Views: 162
Size:  50.5 KB

Going to get/order the tube for the carb today and hopeing it will run fine
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Old 03-20-2014, 11:09 PM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Atlanta GA
Posts: 94
Re: My first project!

She's not too pretty right now but y'all know how it is I call her Sally

Name:  truck2.jpg
Views: 170
Size:  34.7 KB

Who loves the "low profile tiers" lmao their being trashed as soon as I get her running right

Name:  truck3.jpg
Views: 169
Size:  46.2 KB

Some dumb@$$ pinched the transfer tube shut

Name:  truck1.jpg
Views: 172
Size:  44.1 KB

Trashed the gas tank

Name:  truck4.jpg
Views: 166
Size:  43.2 KB

No interior

Name:  truck5.jpg
Views: 157
Size:  32.5 KB
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Old 03-20-2014, 11:14 PM   #3
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Atlanta GA
Posts: 94
Re: My first project!

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Views: 153
Size:  27.6 KB

new tank, pump, and lines
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