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Old 04-25-2017, 07:10 AM   #1
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Lets see your stereo install...

I continue to be frustrated by my stereo set up and am considering starting completely over....

My first attempt was the complete Hidden Audio set up with the vintage looking head unit, the kick panel speakers, and the two boxes with an amp under the middle seat. That set up sounded ok-ish, but the kick panel speakers in the front rattled terribly, and blocked access to the headlight high beam switch and parking brake pedal. Plus they just look like a tacky add-on.

I finally ditched the kick panel speakers and replaced them with a second set of the self contained boxes under the front seat. That set up sounds terrible as well because the sound is being pumped directly into the bottom of the seat.

Lastly, i get terrible feedback through the speakers that is completely in sync with engine RPM. Ive tried everything I can think of....the amp is grounded directly to the negative terminal on the battery, the engine has 2 grounding straps to the frame in addition to the negative battery terminal directly to the engine block and the body has at least 4 grounding straps to the frame. The speaker wires are also run separately from the Amp power and ground.

Any input in fixing my feedback would be greatly would any suggestions for mounting a decent sounding system.

Things I'm not interested in doing include cutting holes in the doors or dash to mount speakers

Thanks very much for the help!
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Old 04-25-2017, 06:41 PM   #2
ranger danger
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Re: Lets see your stereo install...

First of all, ignore the purists and cut in a pair of component speakers into the doors. I no, its blasphemy but do it anyway. Make sure to sound deaden the doors (and lube the window cranks) while your there. Second, ground the amp to the frame (and make sure the power wire is big enough)!!! The shorter the better. Third, make sure your speakers are wired with the correct polarity +'-+' and -'--'. Forth, make sure you have reasonably good components (speakers, amps, wires etc). Yes it does make a difference!! Fifth, I am not a real fan of retro stereos. Get a good head unit, cut the dash and fine tune it to the cab. Now put it all together and, as you have spare $, continue to add to it with subs and more sound deadening material. You'll get there!

Also, get those rear speakers out of those boxes and cut them into the rear doors and sound deaden the doors while your there!!
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Old 06-02-2017, 11:29 PM   #3
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I bought my Burb with a pre-cut dash and doors. There was a 90s Kenwood tape deck with a 10-disc changer under the seat, a graphic equalizer below the dash, and an amp under the driver side seat. The speakers were decent at one time, but the guy I bought it from had kids, and all the tweeter cones are pushed in.

Subsequently, I started having trouble with the head unit and changer, so I swapped in another head unit and amp I had from another vehicle, and pulled all the old stuff (minus speakers) out. It is much better quality parts, and sounds a ton better, despite the still crappy speakers.
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Old 06-03-2017, 04:50 AM   #4
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Re: Lets see your stereo install...

as far as the noise goes, you can try having your power wire for the amp and rca cables separated and not running alongside each other...or adding a filter....
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Old 06-03-2017, 12:17 PM   #5
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Re: Lets see your stereo install...

I guess I am just not that big into my stereo, but I would never cut my dash just for a stereo. That went out in the 70's.
But hey, it's your truck and do what you want.
Seems to me that with all the stereos made to fit the stock dash opening you could figure out how to make it work.
I bought a stereo that fit my dash, and installed the kick panel speakers plus a dual dash mount speaker and it sounds fine to me.
But my hearing is not that great, and I only listen at a volume that I can hear, not the guy next to me or the house a block away.
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