Post engine fire clean up
As some of you know, I had a pretty good engine fire 3 weeks ago. Hagerty has been decent to deal with on parts and allowing for self repair. I have the front clip off, engine out and 95% of firewall items removed. I was messing with various cleaning methods but not coming up with anything that does not require a great deal of rubbing with blue scotch-brite. The soot from burnt plastic is really bad. Has anyone with fire damage found a solution? Paint on the body panels escaped heat damage as far as I can tell but the soot will not release. I am no using sctch-brite on exterior. Polishing compound is working as that seem to be the ticket. But areas under removed panels and firewall is really bad. Tunnel and distributor area go too hot. Will need wire brush strip and prime. I have not removed interior as yet. So all that to ask for tricks in washing off this soot?