Another huge hurdle has been crossed!! Henry is BACK on the road.
I finished buttoning up the torque converter and flex plate issue and bolted on the brand new driveshaft. I double and triple checked everything and dropped him down on all 4 wheels.
Fired right up and I checked the tranny fluid. After adding some I backed him out of the garage!! Huge smiles!!!
A couple spins around the neighborhood and more checking of nuts and bolts and I advanced the timing to get rid of a pesky miss right off idle. By the end of the night I had it running really good......I am hitting up my local repair shop tomorrow and check the timing and take a look at the carb. They specialize in hot rods and race cars.
Still not 100% sold on the exhaust.......It is a little loud and I get a resonation at certain RPM's that will drive me nuts. Hoping some dynamat on the floor will help.....other wise new mufflers.