Re: Need Help Dont No What Else To Do
I had a similar situation last year , thought I fouled a plug so I did a tune up ( plugs and wires ) still same issue , replaced cap and rotor still the same issue , started looking into everything and I couldn't figure it out , and I tried evething before tearing into the internals , so for the hell of it I pulled all the plugs and found one that wasn't firing (new plug )replaced it with another new one and it fired right up no more issues , so it is possible to buy bad new parts .
I would also double check the to make sure all your plug wires seated properly , I've seen that multiple times . I like to feel a nice solid snap , and if it's not squeeze the connector down with some plyers for a good fit .
Just a few suggestions , probably stuff you already tried , but I know how frustrating things get , some times the easiest fix is to take a step back and let some fresh eyes take a look at it , might be something stupid . Good luck .
Sincerely, Doug