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Old 07-29-2008, 01:29 AM   #26
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Re: Parking the truck

I never really had any problems with door dings that I can see, I usually park anywhere, unless there shopping carts any where close, but there's been a couple of times where people wern't paying attetion and almost hit me
1980 c-10 short bed lowered, cammed 6.0, 4l80e 3600 stall, smp tune, wilwoods, and flames best time so far best et 7.86 @87 on motor 7.57 90 on a 75 shot
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Old 07-29-2008, 01:54 AM   #27
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Re: Parking the truck

What I keep wondering is why do they have to make the spots so small. They barely fit a friggen honda civic. Ya pull your truck into one and all four tires are on the lines there is 8" between your door and the car next to you. then people get mad when your on the line or take two spots and slam there door into your truck or get as close as they can so you can't open your door. The worst is when they pull in crooked in the spot and there a$$ end is blocking you in so ya can't back up. Makes you want a big a$$ beater blazer 4x4 with a beefy I beam bumpers, a F***ed up paint job,and 44's so ya can just mow over there POS. Then just tell them OOPS and drive away like it's no big deal and see how they like it. Theres some street justice for the ignorant! To bad there would be alot of restatution, and probably a fine or two levied by the local law enforcement agency. But it would make one he!! of a statement! I wonder if a temporary insanity defence would work?
79 Burb,350,tremic 5 spd, 4 wheel disc, daily driver
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"There's no such thing as a finished project"

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Old 07-29-2008, 04:20 AM   #28
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Re: Parking the truck

another thing i hate, why do the stupid people fel the need to park 3 inches off yoru door.. and hey like i know every square inch of my trucks, cars what ever im in or own i know every little scratch ding.. like i dont notice the new door ding becuase you parked 3 inches off my junk.. in my ol gmc i was havign a bad day, and watched some idiot do this, and hit my truck in the door and the bed because they have felt the need to breed.. now i was haveign a really bad day anyway, i felt the need to open my door as hard as i could into their new ricer, might have not needed to do it from the inside to, but hey i could get more leverage from inside the truck....
i hate tailgaters with a passion.. and i can and will brake check them.. i prefer to wait until they look away, then nail the brakes.. one of these days im gonna get rear ended, but i need a new truck, or the ol lady gets a new house... but if your only a couple of feet off me, you cant see that darned dawg run out in front of me anyway...
honestly honey,,i have no idea how that truck got here.
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Old 07-29-2008, 07:22 AM   #29
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Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by piecesparts View Post
What makes one madder than anything else, is when you square up and hold them accountable and they just try to walk away like you are the spoiled child. I am here to say, the training fell short when daddy left mama at home to take care of the little goober in their younger years. They apparently expect the same in return, because there is no fear in their eyes, that their precious POS is about to succumb to a Hell equal to what it gave. My latest was in the Sears parking lot and the guy was still abusing the paint with his van door, as I walked up and the Truck's alarm was chirping out loud to say "Get the F--k off of me". His wife did show fear as she cowered in the corner of the parking lot with her large tribe of gerbals (in training to be door slammers) (that guy must not do anything at home but chase the wife) but he was too ignorant to see what was going to happen next. He left knowing about hatred of door slammers and what big fat dudes, with repressed psychological/homicidal tendencies are really like. I hope that he went home and told all of his followers (Gerbals) that he was just being an ignorant that was abused in the normal goings on in life and with his new found knowledge of the possible after life he fully understands that the Dodge Caravan door does NOT touch the Chevy truck door EVER AGAIN.
87 V30 350TBI/400 White w/Boss V-plow
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Old 07-29-2008, 08:30 AM   #30
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Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by chevymotocross View Post
I know where you guys are coming from, with the lack of respect and all that seems common in society today. I've never really experienced any "parking lot battle wounds" but what really ticks me off, and happens on a daily basis usually, is TAILGATING. This is by far the biggest lack of respect there is! Especially when I'm doing a bit above the speed limits!
I cary a fresh roll of pennys to deal with these guys, when they start getting to close i just start flippin them over my shoulder, on my bike, in my car or in my truck. after about 3 or 4 hit their paint or windshield they back off.
'81 c10 sw 355cid roller motor 350turbo with stage two shift kit, poor rear end gearing, not sure peg speed... speedo is mia..
project is temporarily on pause again... Thankyou wonderfull economy.. check it out

Im not to worried i have an uncaning ability to save myself from some weeeiiirrd crap
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Old 07-29-2008, 08:35 AM   #31
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Re: Parking the truck

i was sitting in my old f100 truck while my gf was in the shops when a middle aged lady reversed in beside my driver door and opend onto it then proceded to keep banging against it as she got out she looked at me as though she didnt care, so as she walked away i wound down the window yelled out "paybacks a b!tch" and slammed my door hard against hers leving a nice dent, then once the gf was back i reversed a foot then slammed my door again on her guard then again and smashed the indicator...

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Old 07-29-2008, 09:23 AM   #32
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Re: Parking the truck

I took the family down to Disney in our personal vehicle ('03 Silverado) and anyone who has been there knows that parking is a well orchestrated bit of chaos. We are all being guided into rows and rows of spaces at the Animal Kingdom and everyone is jumping out to make the mad dash to the waiting train. Well this rental car full of foreign people jump out of their car and give my own personal vehicle a nice ding. As I confront them about it they keep walking away saying "It ok, it ok". I was like "The it is, you just damaged MY truck with your rental." Well they played dumb (or actually were) and kept going to catch the train. There was a crowd of people so my wife managed to calm me down before I flipped.

I took a pic of the car and damage but never pursued it but I thought about it all day in the park and cant help but think that I would have had a better time if these visitors to our country had been a little more courteous.

We actually got hit with ANOTHER door the next day at the Magic Kingdom but this time it was by a family of locals which apologized right off the bat and since there wasnt any damage I told them it was ok and I was sorry for giving them the stink eye when it happened after which I related the previous days fiasco.

Not to start a tangent but our local officials put out some round magnets a year or so ago with descriptive words about the town and my wife puts them on the back of her truck. Well she works at a hotel on the beach and the tourists steal one or all of them on a monthly basis. What kind of person thinks its ok to touch someones car??? Its like those chuckleheads that slip stuff under your wiper...just let me catch one of these guys.

Feels good to get this kind of stuff off my chest.
1986 C10 - LWB, 305/700r4, posi, vortec heads
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Old 07-29-2008, 10:15 AM   #33
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Re: Parking the truck

I park my truck toward the back of the lot in open space...and always noticed the phenomenon you guys are talking about, but never said anything because I didn't think it was so common. What insanity!

Just last week i was at a Home Depot, their lot has a fairly steep grade toward the store. Well some asshat let his cart go at the top of the hill and it slowly picked up speed as it head toward the store. just inching alone at first. Well as this cart is moving along, there are people just watching passes about 5 feet from one guy who turns as it passes him to watch where it is going. He does absolutely NOTHING to stop it. I'm about 5 lanes over and 10 parking spots up. I see that the current trajectory will surely smash into the side of a nice new Honda Civic. The window to stop this thing is getting smaller and smaller and now one is doing i sprint from my location and catch up with the cart and stop it before it hits anything. The people that were watching (and doing nothing) started clapping for me. All I could think of was how bazar that they would clap for me like i did something great when they all just watched the situation develop and did nothing.

Another time I was in a downtown area driving home late one weekend, and out of no where a beer bottle hits the hood of my car. I turn and see a group of about five guys laughing their asses off. Wow, my heart is beating out of my chest while i'm thinking about this. Anyway, they are clearly drunk and feel the safety of numbers. I slam on my brakes and be an my buddy jump out of the car. As we approach the group the guy that throw the bottle starts walking toward me talking trash with his arms open like "what are you gunna do?". I don't say a word and when he is in range just haul off and blast him straight in the jaw. (I was a boxer for 2 years...and this was one of the most solid connections i have ever made). He drops like a ton of bricks, and is out cold. Immediately the rest of them realize it is not a good idea to antagonize us any more, and start yelling "what did you have to do that for?". I flipped them off and told them never to f*&% with a mans car, as me and my friend back away and got the hell out of there. I have to say it was pretty satisfying at the moment, but i have a serious guilt complex and a tendency to think of the worst. So for a couple of days i was worried that i might have really hurt the guy, or put him in a coma or something.

If you can't find it at the junk yard you don't need it.
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Old 07-29-2008, 10:53 AM   #34
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Re: Parking the truck

a little sulfuric acid goes a long way
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Old 07-29-2008, 05:14 PM   #35
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Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by Rooster's82 View Post

Just last week i was at a Home Depot, their lot has a fairly steep grade toward the store. Well some asshat let his cart go at the top of the hill and it slowly picked up speed as it head toward the store. just inching alone at first. Well as this cart is moving along, there are people just watching passes about 5 feet from one guy who turns as it passes him to watch where it is going. He does absolutely NOTHING to stop it. I'm about 5 lanes over and 10 parking spots up. I see that the current trajectory will surely smash into the side of a nice new Honda Civic. The window to stop this thing is getting smaller and smaller and now one is doing i sprint from my location and catch up with the cart and stop it before it hits anything. The people that were watching (and doing nothing) started clapping for me. All I could think of was how bazar that they would clap for me like i did something great when they all just watched the situation develop and did nothing.

buggys have a mind of their own sometimes. i was at walmart trying to get my son out of the car(we park in employee parking because not as many people coming and going) when a buggy starts rolling off the sidewalk hits a new dodge little scratch bounces off hit a mazda 626 bigger scratch comes down the hill hits a parked cop car nice size dent bounces off and is coming for my g6 got my son out in just enough time to stop it from hitting. this thing was just sitting on the curb with no one around and started rolling by itself.
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Old 07-29-2008, 06:43 PM   #36
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Re: Parking the truck

I'm guilty. Parked correctly in a spot on a parking deck and when I come back a new Lexus/Infinity/whatever is parked so close to my drivers door there's no way I'll be able to get in without contact. To make matters worse, my passenger side door lock is gummed shut and can't be opened with the key, you have to get in from the drivers side and reach over and pull it up. So I have no option. I scanned the deck for cameras and people and got in at the expense of her door. Since my truck is currently sporting an old cheapo paint job, I had some more fun beating the hell out of her car with my door.

"You just don't F with another man's car." - Pulp Fiction
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Old 07-29-2008, 07:04 PM   #37
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Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by Vertical Smile View Post
Reminds me of what happend last week at our local Home Depot.
I reciently bought a new '07 Ford F-150 SuperCrew ( I know, I know) and decided to park it in the far back of the parking lot to avoid any damage, there were no cars within at least 20 spots from it.

When I returned back to it some idiot in an '08 Tacoma decided to park right next to it, so close I couldn't get into the drivers side door!!!
I had to open the passenger side and slide across.

Needless to say I got a little even with him when he returned with a Coke I was drinking.

If I take the lowrider out... I don't park it anywhere until It's time to come home. That way, it's a moving violation if I happen to encounter one of those ID-10-Ts

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Old 07-30-2008, 05:31 AM   #38
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Re: Parking the truck

and well waddaya know... it happend to me today... i park my soarer in my usual spot at work, the lh side is about 2foot away from big gates that allow access out the back of the workshop, during the day the d!cktard that comes and takes all the damaged bumpers decided its a good day to come, its blowing a gail and he opens the gates and just let it go slamming into the side of my quater panel leaving nice paint transfer from the gate and a big dent with chipped paint about an inch round... wtf?? it would take 30 seconds to come ask me to move my car, but nooo just dent it an not say anything... go figure... oh well hes gotta pay now...
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Old 07-30-2008, 08:11 AM   #39
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Re: Parking the truck

Alot of retail stores make the employees park futher out to leave space for customers and you did go in the morning when they might have been coming on......

I know what your mean though.
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Old 07-30-2008, 01:13 PM   #40
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Re: Parking the truck

I park in the boonies too and almost always have some half wit parked inches from my car. Mind you both of my knees are worn out and I can only walk about 100 yards per day without severe pain, and I park half that or more from the store. I cant get the Handi-man mirror tag until I get my license changed to this state. Besides I probably wouldnt park close anyway, and leave it for the people in the wheel chairs. I can still walk, it just hurts. People still park next to me when I am in the middle of nowhere and not in the employee spots.

If I am driving a beater like my 76 or my S10 Blazer I dont get too upset over it, most of the sheetmetal will get replaced anyway. Why stress it? Now if I am driving one of my cars that I have painted, will be painting and dont have to replace the sheet metal, or I am driving my 98 Formula that has nice paint already, I get insane and completely anal about it.

It took me 20 hours on the passenger side door, and more than 50 hours on the drivers side door of my 67 Cougar fixing the dents and crap from years of abuse inflicted before I got it. If anyone parks within 20 feet of that car I will flip. It will not go to WalMart so the trailer park dwelling types who make Forrest Gump look like Einstein that frequent that place can even see it. Same with the GTO's when they are done. I will take a beater instead. The first brain donor to door ding it or lean on the paint I spent multiple hours sanding and buffing will get the loudest and rudest NCO drill instructor type tongue lashing they ever experienced.

That being said, I come out of a parts store one night, and I was parked on the end of the lot. There is no spot on the passenger side of my car, but there is almost enough room for a Civic to squeeze in there. There are spots open at the other end, closer to the door and yet I find a fullsize van parked next to me. My bud couldnt get in my car because he was parked so close. There were four people in the van, these guys made the banjo kid in deliverance look about as hillbilly as Prince Charles. The driver was gone, and sure enough a nice scratch on my fender. Not through the clear but still a scratch.

So I ask the people in the van if the driver has insurance, all I get is blank stares. I considered calling the cops, but instead chose some words they probably had to look up. Its ineffective to cuss someone out using $4 words when they have a $.20 vocabulary.

I dont condone damaging someone elses vehicle, even if they are inconsiderate and smack a door into mine. It makes me no better than they are even though they probably held no malice, as I certainly would in retribution, and they were just inconsiderate, self absorbed, unaware, barely conscious, ambulatory pond scum.
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Old 07-30-2008, 01:22 PM   #41
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Re: Parking the truck

Also, leaning on your vehicle.... that is, some stranger, is the worst. I work part time at a tire shop, my truck parked in the back. Many customers have the urge to just shoot the breeze leaning all over the tailgate of my truck. It's funny how embarassed they are "sir, can you please get off my truck". My truck isn't even clean. It's the concept of not leaning on someone else's property. No respect

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Old 07-30-2008, 02:45 PM   #42
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Re: Parking the truck

or you have this... no damage was done.. tight fit though
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