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Old 09-01-2008, 08:49 AM   #201
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

"67-72" GM Spotters Guide "What's the difference? This article show the differences between 67-72 GM Trucks such as...the Grilles, Fender Markers & Emblems, Rear Windows, Taillight Moldings, Mirrors, Door Panls, Bucket Seats, etc. I don't ever remember when I purchased these. Great info and pictures.

Ok guys this is what you have a chance to win. As mentioned after this auction is over-Five names will be drawn ($10 min donation) and I send them a free copy of this Classic Truck. To top this off I will pay the shipping cost. Ok guys lets step up to the plate and do our hobby proud.
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.

67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.

1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc

JOHN 17:3...The better side of "LIFE"

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Old 09-01-2008, 08:52 AM   #202
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Originally Posted by 70cst View Post

Ok...I have a way to help this along...I think. If it's Ok with all involved. If you go to the above thread and read about these magazines (Classic Truck Oct. 03) that I found that I had stored. This magazine is a great read on our trucks with great pics...I will donate "five" of these as gifts through a drawing for those who donate at least $10. Me and my family members are excluded? Sorry 70cstjr. This is the way it will be. After the donation time runs its course I will put all the names (those who made donations) in a bowl and draw 5 names. I will then email these five and once I get their addresses I will send them their "FREE" copy (I will pay shipping cost). If I am braking the rules or doing something that should not be done then I will withdraw this offer. I am just trying to help increase donations. Not trying to hi-jack but just trying to help out. Let me know what you all think. Oh yes...keep the donations going!!
That's a great idea. Very generous on your part. Those aren't something you can go out to Barnes and Nobles and buy. Great collectors items. Thanks, you're a good guy.
Bill US Army Vet -193rd Infantry

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” Gandhi
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Old 09-01-2008, 09:04 AM   #203
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Originally Posted by 63 & 64 Bowties View Post
That's a great idea. Very generous on your part. Those aren't something you can go out to Barnes and Nobles and buy. Great collectors items. Thanks, you're a good guy.
Geeee...I just try and do one good deed per month. Soooooooo now I can be a tukey until next month.
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.

67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.

1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc

JOHN 17:3...The better side of "LIFE"

Remember: Everyday is a good day...Some are just gooder!
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Old 09-01-2008, 09:06 AM   #204
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Originally Posted by 63 & 64 Bowties View Post
I need some help here. Can you fill in the missing names for me?

I'm iroc_nomad on the Bay & My Board name here is toomanytoyz.................

Thanks, Rick
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:36 AM   #205
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

This is GREAT. We're getting there. Still need two forum names....
Attached Images
Bill US Army Vet -193rd Infantry

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Old 09-01-2008, 10:40 AM   #206
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Originally Posted by tdave00 View Post
I may have not been speaking for all of us when I said this, but I told her that I think alot of these guys would want someone to reach out to their spouse or family if something like this happened. These days this is my only real hobby and her husbands love for these old trucks just really hit home with me.
You were speaking for me.
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:47 AM   #207
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

eBay feedback left for all the latest. Thanks
And I'm pretty sure I left forum reps for everyone. Check, and if I forgot someone, please let me know. Everyone deserves a bunch of reps for this, wish I could give more than one.
Everyone concerned should take that list and give each other reps.
Bill US Army Vet -193rd Infantry

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” Gandhi
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Old 09-01-2008, 12:18 PM   #208
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

a link to all the pictures tdave00 took during his visit:
Bill US Army Vet -193rd Infantry

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Old 09-01-2008, 01:08 PM   #209
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Sorry, fixed some links I screwed up in my last post, but this would be a good way to get nation/world wide attention for the donations. Jalopnik is a major car new/blog site, but with more unconventional, cooky, weird content, but excellent writers and car guys like us. Mention commenter TexanIdiot25 sent you so it doesn't seem so out-of-the-blue.

Originally Posted by texanidiot25 View Post
If you guys want, I can try and E-Mail one of the editors of that I talk to occasionally. Maybe get some help through there.

Or if someone wants, write to Ray Wert,, he's the senior editor and you'd be speaking to the big man directly. He's a very cool dude and will respond pretty quick. Guess the guys who have been heading this up will be able to write something better then me.

Last edited by texanidiot25; 09-01-2008 at 01:11 PM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 02:34 PM   #210
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

the latest from Dawn's daughters:

From: Tiffany Shultz (
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Mon 9/01/08 9:59 AM

Bill Lyle (

Dear Friends, None of us have been abel to spend much time on the computer ever since my mom found out she was gettin a visit from some of yall guys and when we saw your note just now, we were not ready for it but I will try to get through it. Beckys shaking to much so I will try. First we want yall to know there are no words to explain how we feel. Its more then grateful. more then thankful and we are all so blessed! Yall are our HEROES!! In this day and time, people are to busy to help each other . Some just dont care, others care but they think theres nothing they could possibly offer, when all that might be needed is a shoulder to cry on or someone who will listen. And then there are people like all of you who have hearts so big that you go out of your way to help a total stranger for no other reason than you care! Our dad would be honored to be your friend. We thought yall might want to know a little about our parents. One day when she was 15, mom was standing in front of a store with some friends talking when a handsome guy pulled up in an old chevy pick-up truck. When he walked by them, one of the guys said, Hey thats a nice truck. What year is it? Before the guy could answer, my mom spoke up and said its a 1967. You can tell by the little window. The guy in the truck was impressed and said Will you marry me and as mom says, the rest was history. They had thier fusses and all just like everyone else, but mostly, they kidded each other and flirted with each other like they had just been married. We were talkin about our dad lately and I asked her what was her secret. She said, I was with your dad for 27 yrs and in all that time, I NEVER hurt his feelings. I'm still ponderin that one. Since we lost our dad, We have watched the weight on her shoulders get heavier and heavier. People have taken advantige of her, they have broken promises theyve made when theyve seen something that needs to be done even tho she never asked them in the first place. Theyve borrowed my dads tools and equipment and never brought it back and she had to buy back what she could find at the pawn shops. We have one neighbor that helps whenever he can but he has 4 kids and she wont ask him unless she has to. When mom found out she was getting the visits this weekend, she was so nervous. She begged us to help her hide as much of the things as we could that were in bad shape around the yard & trailers. She literally worked non-stop. Becky said she could tell she was holding her breath.. She got us together that night and she said she might have misunderstood but that he said yall were planning on giving her some help and maybe a get together to sell her things. I have to tell you that she was more emotional than weve seen her in a while. She wasnt mad but shes never had anything close to this happen to her before and honestly we are worried about what her reacton will be if she sees what yall have said about her. We dont know what to do. We know she will apreciate everything so so so much but we should probly talk to her docter first. Thats how worried we are about her reaction to findin out what she knows so far. Please tell us how to tell her and show her the 67-72 site. We want to thank yall with all our hearts again. Thanks to yall we know our mom is gonna make it.
Tiffany & Becky

From: Tiffany Shultz (
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Mon 9/01/08 10:11 AM

bill (

Hey Bill: We wrote to yall last nite but the didnt look like it got sent so we are sorry if we keep sendin things over and over. Mom got a offer from a guy that if she will clear off a lot he bought off the internet she can have some cement blocks that are on it. It was suposed to be about 40 blocks but its more like 150 or so. She still has more to do so shes out there again today. We were thinkin we might show her what yall have been doin on the site but were nervous about it. Do yall think it might be best to wait till the flea market idea if it happens? I know we are stallin but we are so nervous about it. She wont be home till real late and Im here with grandma so I will be watchin for you to let me know what yall think. Thanks.
Bill US Army Vet -193rd Infantry

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Old 09-01-2008, 02:50 PM   #211
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Hi guys, i just tried to buy one of the pictures, but noticed ( maybe it's because i'am in canada) it's trying to charge me 26.60 for shipping from usps?I would rather give dawn the 26. bucks ,then get charged for non shipping. Is there a way to fix that?
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Old 09-01-2008, 02:58 PM   #212
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

I sent an e-mail to Ray Wert at Jalopnik, see if he can get a post up on Jalopnik for everyone.

Not too long ago, an eBay add started circulating the forum. It was an ad from a recently widowed woman named Dawn. She went onto eBay to try and sell off the massive collection of project trucks and parts that her (Gear head) husband and her had collected over the years. She wanted to see them goto a good home rather then a crusher. Well, eBayers tried scamming her several times and she gave up on the auction. But, one member from our site did start talking to her. We started a thread on 67-72 to start discussing this, trying to find a buyer from our site, and to help her figure out what to do with the truck. Member "63 & 64 Bowties" is the man who was talking to her through email. Through all this, the woman's daughters were able to find the thread (their mother is under the assumption she needs an account to find the thread... she's never used a forum before but this has been to our benefit). So, with talking to the daughters, we've started a fund raiser to help them. Also have been working to send in an application to the show Overhaulin' to see if one of the trucks can be done for her. 1 or 2 of our members has visited her to see the trucks, and meet her.

The Daughters Tiffany & Becky wrote this in part of their most recent e-mail:

"Dear Friends, None of us have been abel to spend much time on the computer ever since my mom found out she was gettin a visit from some of yall guys and when we saw your note just now, we were not ready for it but I will try to get through it. Beckys shaking to much so I will try. First we want yall to know there are no words to explain how we feel. Its more then grateful. more then thankful and we are all so blessed! Yall are our HEROES!!"

I was wondering if you could post the story on Jalop and help find a home for the trucks and bring some attention to the fund raiser for the family.

This is the thread with the story, links, emails, etc:

-Phillip, aka Jalop TexanIdiot25

Awesome story about how they met and got married though... lol

Last edited by texanidiot25; 09-01-2008 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 03:37 PM   #213
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

???????? So what's going on ?? 9,400 reads on this thread. 212 posts on this thread - 28 pictures sold !

HELLOooooooo............ STEP UP TO THE PLATE !
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Old 09-01-2008, 04:09 PM   #214
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Read this whole thread and I stepped up for $100....

jmfabris is my ebay name....
John Fabris
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Old 09-01-2008, 06:18 PM   #215
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Big props to 63 & 64 for getting the "auction" up and running. It's a good idea and you deserve a lot of credit for spearheading this. I tried to give reps to everybody on the list, like you suggested, but after about five it told me I've given as many reps as I can for a day.

And props to MotorSeven; good idea on the flea market. I don't know how much help I can be, but I can be there on Saturday the 20th. Just let me know when it's official, and I guess I'll need the address. Also let me know if I can bring anything.

Three and a half years ago, my dad had a stroke and was out of commission for weeks. And just this summer, my wife spent twelve days in the hospital. I've been the beneficiary of other people's kindness far more than I could ever deserve, and the opportunity to pass it along to others is as humbling as it is gratifying. Thanks to everybody who has kept this thread going.
- JB - '93 C1500 SHORT/FLEET SILVERADO, 350/4L60E

Originally Posted by Tom Petty
I don't know, but I've been told: You never slow down, you never grow old.
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Old 09-01-2008, 06:29 PM   #216
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

$ sent.
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Old 09-01-2008, 07:13 PM   #217
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot make this more interesting. I am now going to donate one new pair of repop "Rocker Panels" as part of the drawing. Not only will I draw 5 names to win the 2003 Classic Truck Magazine I will also draw a name for one pair of new repop "rocker panels". How is that for incentive. Also I will pay for the shipping as long as it is in the 48 states. I want to see this grow over $1000 and we can do it! Lets...GO...Go...GO...Go...GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......G O...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...G O......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO. ..Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO. .....GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO......GO...Go...GO...
Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...D onate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Do nate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Don ate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Dona te...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donate...Donat e...Donate
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.

67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.

1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc

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Last edited by 70cst; 09-01-2008 at 08:43 PM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 07:48 PM   #218
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

I just bought 4 pics . This site and the people on it are the best. ebay name is delcoglin123..
72 cheyenne super BB402 TH400 Air Tack Tilt Posi P/S P/B AM/FM 12.96 @ 101.82 mph 60ft 1.82
12.39 @111.33 With a 180 shot nos

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Old 09-01-2008, 09:37 PM   #219
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Thanks JB, i have you down to help out. If we can get Sunday covered it will be on & i will work on advertising & signs.
Hey, can y'all let me know if you will be stopping by to make a purchase?

Dawn's Flea Market
Sept 19, 20 & 21


Fri evening(sorting & pricing items) 3pm 'till....


Sat 9am 'till.....

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Old 09-01-2008, 09:41 PM   #220
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Props to everyone who has given or who plan to and haven't had a chance yet.

If enough money is donated we might try and use a portion of it to get Dawn's 67 SWB on the road. I have talked with another member that lives about an hour from Dawn, and there's a possiblity that he might be able to help out with this. It's not finalized yet, and alot of it will depend on how much money comes in. Keep this in mind when you give. Thank again!
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Old 09-01-2008, 09:43 PM   #221
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

i just found this tread tonite glad i did. i would love to buy her trucks/parts but i have no way of getting them moved to my place i am only about 2 hours from her. and 1 other thing i couldn't aford that much right now. if she was a little closer i could help her price her parts i have been trading and saling 67/72 parts for 20 years. anyhow i am proud to be part of this great board. i bought a pic. and my ebay name is billzgt.
i have 67/72 chevy truck parts f/s.
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:18 PM   #222
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

BTW, i posted a link of this thread to a couple of other forums i am on frequently. They are not related, TractorByNet , Arboristsite & TDIClub.....but i figured what the heck.........
I just asked that they read the thread if they were interested. If we all do that, well we just may have a runaway snowball on our hands....whoohoo!


Last edited by MotorSeven; 09-01-2008 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:57 PM   #223
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

man i wish i lived closer! wisconsin is a little far away othewise i would redo her for her!! it would be great to do our own overhaulin build for her with the guys on this forum! well i bought a few picturs my ebay name is olo350. if you get people together for a truck build im in!!! good luck and God bless Dawn and her family!!
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:06 PM   #224
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Would love to donate but what is with the 26.50 shipping charge to Canada?
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:09 PM   #225
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Originally Posted by Mister laugh View Post
Would love to donate but what is with the 26.50 shipping charge to Canada?
Send a PM to 63 & 64 Bowties and I bet he can work something out where you can just send him the money through paypal or something.

Last edited by tdave00; 09-02-2008 at 12:35 AM.
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