Originally Posted by 69GWC
I have been pulled over a number of times with never having to strip my tint, also only have been pulled over once because of tint and tint was legal. Only the driver side and passenger side front windows have to be legal 35% the rear windows can be painted for that matter.
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When the cops apply the tint meter, it reads the amount of tint that is in the glass + the tint that has been appllied by the owner. If they are intent on the rules and are in the mood for a little money to the state, you get a ticket. The glass usually has a small amount of tint to it and that makes you illegal right off the bat. This is just like seat belts---they usually do not pull you over for the tint, but when they have you at their mercy, they can whip out that little law anytime. It all depends on how they bolted that uniform on, that day.