Originally Posted by hatzie
You probably want the ignition switched to the ON position and not the ACC position before you allow the starter to crank... so it doesn't crank with the key out of the ignition and doesn't crank with the key turned backwards to ACC.
You also don't want to bypass the neutral safety switch.
Tee into the CRANK wire between the ignition switch and the neutral-safety/clutch-pedal switch and run that wire to one terminal on your button.
The other terminal of the button needs to be connected to an ignition source that's powered when the key is turned to ON and not powered with the key turned to ACC.
That way the young'uns can't push the button with the stick in 1 and drive the truck with the starter... Yes. My cousin and I did just that with a 63 Dodge pickup. Got our backsides tanned too.
Ok, so I Tee into the PURPLE wire on one side and into a
switched 12V source on the other side of the button? And then the Button will work with key turned on, AND if I turn the key it will crank as well? (Just making sure... I am a bit DIM when it comes to electrical stuff...)